The Crush

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At a Kitty Section rehearsal one Saturday, the first Saturday of Spring school holidays:

Zoe loved her new group of friends and loved coming to see Kitty Section rehearse. She hung out on the Couffaine houseboat quite a bit ever since she arrived in Paris six months ago. She was extremely grateful to Marinette for becoming her first friend in Paris and introducing her to such a lovely group of people and encouraging her to not let her half sister Chloe influence her. She knew now she is her own person and no one else can tell her how she should act or be. She knew now that she alone has the power to shape her own destiny. Ladybug really inspired her too.

The last couple of months though she has been finding herself getting a crush on a certain blue haired guitarist. She kept pushing the thought away to the back of her mind because she thought that he liked Marinette. She couldn't bear the thought of hurting her first ever Parisian friend. Especially coming from New York where she never really had that many friends.

But today Zoe was really struggling trying to keep her crush hidden. It's like it was growing stronger and stronger every day. She would usually chat with the group after rehearsals and Luka would play his acoustic guitar and it was like no matter what anxiety she was feeling, no matter what problems she was facing, Luka's music had this uncanny way of calming her down. It felt like it was meant just for her.

This particular Saturday Marinette had been able to come to watch rehearsal. She was only able to come a couple of times per month. Zoe was never sure why. She presumed she was busy designing a new dress or hat as she knew fashion design was her passion. Although sometimes she had to leave in a hurry before rehearsal was over. Zoe would smile and think this was just typical Marinette, forgetting that she needed to be somewhere else. It was reassuring for her that not everyone was perfect and nobody in this group expected anyone to be. They all accepted each other for who they are. She'd never been able to feel like that in New York. She felt like she had to put on an act and be someone she's not just to be accepted. Here she felt like she could be herself, for the first time. And she was happy.

After rehearsal was over this particular Saturday, Zoe went over to talk to Marinette.
'Hey Marinette' she said shyly.
'Hey Zoe! How's it going?' Marinette replied.
'Oh, pretty good. I was...wondering if I could ask you something...personal' Zoe said softly, looking at the floor.
'Personal?' Marinette said, feeling a little worried.
'Oh, nothing like bad, um, well, I hope not that bad? Oh this isn't coming out right!' Zoe said as she put her hands on her cheeks trying to hide her embarrassment.
'What was it about?' Marinette asked, just hoping she didn't say Ladybug.
'It's about Luka' Zoe said looking up at her shyly.
'Oh, Luka!' Marinette replied a little too loudly.
Luka heard her and replied, 'Yes, Marinette?'
Zoe went bright red and looked panically at Marinette and mouthed 'No!' as she moved her hand back and forth across her neck with her back to Luka so he didn't see.
Marinette saw the signal and understood. 'Oh nothing, just girl talk! Will chat to you later Luka!'
'No problem!' Luka called back and went back to chatting to Ivan.
'Sorry!' Marinette led Zoe further away. 'What about Luka?' she asked Zoe quietly.
'Well...' Zoe began. 'I'm kinda scared to ask you this because I don't want to ruin our friendship. You and everyone have been so kind to me ever since I moved here from New York.'
'Nothing you ask me could ruin anything Zoe!'
Marinette replied.
'We're friends now and we confide in each other'
She hugged Zoe.
'Thanks Marinette!' Zoe said feeling slightly better.
'I just wanted to know what Luka is to you now?' Zoe asked.
'Oh, he's just my best guy friend!' Marinette replied. 'We're not boyfriend and girlfriend or anything!'
'I thought he liked you though?' Zoe asked puzzled.
'Oh, he did' Marinette replied. 'But I'm still in love with Adrien and he's actually trying to encourage me to tell Adrien how I feel! He thinks that Adrien and I are meant to be, ever since we all hung out together at the careers expo!' She looked at Zoe sheepishly. 'I still haven't had the courage to tell Adrien! I'll get there one day!'
Marinette giggled and smiled.
Zoe smiled back.
'So...why did you want to know anyway?' Marinette asked her.
Zoe could feel her cheeks burning.
'Well.......' she began, trying to find the words to say.
But Marinette smiled as she read it all over her face.
'Oh my gosh, you LIKE Luka don't you?'
Zoe gasped. 'Yeah...that's why I said I didn't want to ruin anything between us if you still have feelings for him.'
'Of course you haven't Zoe!' Marinette replied. 'Luka is a great guy and you'd be lucky to have each other!'
'But I'm not sure if he feels the same way about me' Zoe said sadly.
'Look, he knows that he and I are only friends' Marinette said. 'I'm sure if you got to talking to him a little bit more you might find out that you have a lot in common' Marinette smiled at her.
Zoe smiled back.
'Thanks Marinette' she said. 'You're such a good friend.'
Marinette blushed at the compliment.
'In fact, let's organise a picnic tomorrow with Luka so you can get to know each other better.'
Zoe gasped. 'Really? Just me and Luka? By ourselves? Oh, I don't know if I could do that Marinette. What if I make a fool out of myself and he hates me?'
'Look, I know Luka.' Marinette replied. 'He's the kindest, most understanding and patient person I've ever met. I know he would love to get to know the real you.'
'Could you please come too Marinette? I think I'd be too nervous if it was just the two of us.' Zoe pleaded.
'Of course!' Marinette smiled. 'What are friends for?'
Zoe hugged her. 'Thanks Marinette! You're the best!'
'I'll go tell Luka we'll meet at the park tomorrow at noon.' Marinette said with a smile.
'I'll be there!' Zoe replied.

Marinette told Luka about the picnic the next day with herself and Zoe and he loved the idea and would be happy to meet them there.
'A picnic sounds great Marinette' he replied.
'Great, I'll let Zoe know!'
'Marinette, before you go...can I ask your advice on something?'
'Of course Luka, we're friends aren't we? You can ask me anything!'
'Thanks Marinette! It's about Zoe actually...'
He looked a little bit nervous.
'What about her?' Marinette replied.
'Well, I kinda have a crush on her, but I don't want to tell her my feelings in case she doesn't feel the same way about me' he said. 'I don't want to set myself up to be disappointed, in case she doesn't like me in that way.'
Marinette was bursting to tell him what Zoe had said but rather they figure it out on their own and didn't want to interfere.
'Just be yourself Luka, and encourage her to do the same. I know it will all work out!'
Marinette smiled.
'Thanks Marinette!' he replied.

The gang then started talking as a group about having a talent show in a couple of weeks time on the houseboat. Marinette offered to be a judge and Nino texted Adrien if he would like to either perform or be a judge as well. He texted back that he would like to be a judge (if his Dad lets him come). Kim also offered to be a third judge as his swimming talents couldn't easily be shown off on a stage. All the others were going to perform something.
'How about you Zoe?' Alya asked her. 'Are you going to perform in the talent show?'

Zoe was too shy to perform anything in front of people. 'Oh, I don't really have a talent, I will be happy to just come and watch!' she replied nervously. Just thinking about performing anything in front of people gave her the jitters. Even though she loved acting she realised that she had stage fright ever since the boarding school incident in New York where everyone found out her act, crowding her, jeering at her, belittling her. Ever since then she found it hard to be the centre of attention.

LukaZoe 18+Where stories live. Discover now