Chapter 35 I Like You Too!

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Today is Monday meaning the start of another week in school. Katie drove Ruben and I as usual and Ruben got out first. As I was about to get out Katie held me back.

"Hang on Jackie"

"What is it?" I asked knowing where this was going.

"What happened at Piper's house? You've been off ever since you came back" She said turning back to face me.

"I don't wanna talk about it right now" I said trying to get out of the car.

"Jackie come on. I hate not being able to help you"

I looked back at her and she looked worried. "I'll tell you when we get home" I sighed giving in to the guilt.

I walked into school and met Piper by my locker.

"So" She says avoiding eye contact with me.

"So" I said doing the same.

"I'm sorry that I, you know. I don't know what came over me" She said rubbing the back of her neck.

"It's okay. I didn't know you were, um-" I just realized I don't know what she goes by if anything.

"I'm pan" She said.

I gave her a confused look.
"It means I like any and all genders"

"Oh, okay"

We just stood there awkwardly when Cali and Becky showed up.

"Good morning Jackie" Cali said.

Piper stood in between us as they approached.
"Um excuse me" Cali said trying to get around Piper.

"Ah ah ah" Piper said making her move back.
"I heard how you've been treating Jackie and I'm not okay with it. I'm not gonna stand back and let you two push her around"

"We don't push her around. She likes hanging out with us" Becky cut in. "Yeah" Cali said.

"You two told her that she had to do whatever you say for her to stay your friend. I'd say that's pushing her around" Piper said crossing her arms.

"Jackie, do you think we push you around?" Cali asked glaring at me.

I just froze right there staring at the ground. Piper saw how anxious this whole thing was making me and walked me to the bathroom.

As soon as I got in there I started scratching my arms. Piper stopped me and tried calming me down.
"Jackie look at me look at me" She said trying to find my eyes.

I looked up at her and felt a little relieved. "Take a deep breath in"She said breathing in with me. "And out" She said breathing out.

We did this three more times before I finally felt calm again. "Thanks" I said looking down embarrassed.

This is pathetic. This is like the third panic attack I've had in front of Piper, she must think I'm weak.

"Are you ok now?" She asked still holding my hands.

"Yeah" I said back quietly. I looked up at her and she still looked worried. I don't want her to have to worry about me.

Before I knew what I was doing I kissed her. When I pulled away she gave me a surprised but happy look.

Just then the bell rang and we both rushed to our respective classes. After school Katie immediately started pestering me about what happened at Piper's house on Saturday.

"You said you'd tell me when we got home" She said crossing her arms.

"I'm tired, can't we do this later?" I said laying down on my bed.

"I just wanna make sure your okay"

"Katie, nothing bad happened at Piper's house. It was actually kind of a good thing" I said rolling over facing the wall to hide how red my face was from that statement.

"Jacks" She said still worried.

I rolled over and sat up to face her. "You have to swear to me on your life you won't tell Mom and Dad"

"That depends on what it's is"

"Swear to me" I said seriously.

"Okay I swear I won't tell Mom and Dad as long as it's not anything bad"

I sighed and took a deep breath. My heart was beating out of my chest and I felt like I was going to puke.

"Piper, she um, she kissed me" After saying the words out loud I wanted to crawl into a hole and die from embarrassment.

Katie stood there in shock for a minute before coming to her senses.
"Did you like it?"

"Well at first I was confused and scared but then today I-


"I....kissed Piper"

I felt my face heat up and I sucked my knees into my chest waiting for Katie's reaction.

"Wow um okay. Well how do you feel about it?"

"I'm not sure. After everything that happened I didn't think I'd be able to 'like' people like I do Piper"

"So you 'like like' her?"

"I guess"

"Hm, well good for you" She said sitting down on her bed.

I looked up at her surprised by her calm reaction. "Your not mad?" I asked cautiously.

"Jackie why would I be mad?"

"Well because she's a girl and I'm a girl" I said timidly.

"Jacks most of my friends are part of the lgbtq+ community, I don't care that you are too. I'm just glad your happy" She said smiling at me.

"Thanks" I said back quietly.

We sat in silence for a minute before,

"So how was it??"


"The kiss? How was it?" Katie asked way too excitedly.

"Eh?!? I'm not telling you that!" I said curling up into a ball and rolling over.

"Oh come on, I told you about my first kiss"

"Katie I was 7, I didn't have a choice but to listen to everything you talked about"

"I can't believe you had your first kiss, your growing up so fast" She said getting up and poking me.

"Oh my gosh can we stop talking about it??" I said staring at her angrily.

"Omg your blushing" She said teasing me.

"No im not!!" I said curling back into a ball and facing away from her.

"You totally are" She said continuing to pick on me.

"Leave me alone"

"Mhm" She said finally going back to her side of the room. "Oh and your secrets safe with me" She said making a zipping motion on her mouth.

"Thanks" I said quietly.

What a day.

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