Part 3 final (9/3/21)

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Hello readers I'm a little excited that this will be my first
Ever complete story! I really hope you enjoyed this story and that you love the cuteness yet sadness of the story!

Once we made it to my home, pidge and hunk left to go home while I welcomed Keith into our home, he had a shocked expression on his face as though he had never seen these things before.
Which is to be expected that he doesn't know what a computer, self phone is, he doesn't know a lot of these new advance things.

No one was home yet because they were out shopping, I had Keith come up with me to my room, as he entered I shut and locked the door as to not be disturbed.

Keith flinched at the unforgettable sounds he heard on the night he died

"So lance, how are you going to keep me here longer than the curse says I'm allowed?"
He asked wait and see I told him I looked up old witches books I had from entering abandon witch huts, and found a spell "They require things before we can cast it"
I said I explained that we both needed to gather the needed materials before midnight the next day.

"Shall we start tonight to save us the troubles?"
Keith asked, I nodded, I looked at the materials again.

"We need a thing to bind you to, my blood, pumpkin seed, dog's slobber a fishes eye" I spoke we have a dog, the ring, pumpkin seeds and my blood we need a fishes eye He nodded.

"I hope this works lance I want to avoid being back in that graveyard by myself
"Keith is there anyway you can make yourself not invisible to the touch I need to do something"
He nodded and made his skin more touchable, but you can't see him still sense he was a ghost

I know we just met, but I feel he needs a hug to cheer him up, so I grabbed his now touchable arm and pulled him into my chest, I felt his face heat up on my chest." Sorry, Keith, I just think you deserve this"
He stayed for a minute and pushed away but thanked me at the same time.

"Thank you, but you seem to like to flirt with everyone, maybe I should call you lover boy lance"
Keith giggles
(A week in half later) there was 1 day before Halloween lance and Keith had spent a lot of time together lance started to have feeling for Keith

Keith POV)

(This is starting from where lance found him it when lance was a child)

I was sitting on top of my grave as I watched people come and go around me and give the other graves either a cleaning or flowers. I looked down at mine old, cracked and vines everywhere red was on my lap. " My dear red look what fate has done to us, maybe I was never meant to be with someone or happy"
I spoke he cuddled into my chest as my flashback began.

Once I was dead, the witch took red and made him into food they took my body and taken me outside they threw me under a tree along with red I'm assuming they thought.

No one would find us two, but one of the town's people a week later saw my shoe and bones, he must have recognized my hair as well.

I remember watching them run over to me, in a panic and turning me over only to be frightened, the spoke "my dear friend what happened to you? Your body is cold your arm is bone yet still, some skin stays" my eyes watered this man was my neighbor, and he must have come to check on me at my house.

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