Chapter 29

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"Ahn Yujin! Hurry up! We're going to be late!" Minju shouted for Yujin who was still taking her own sweet time in the bathroom, putting on some make-up. After some time, she walked out.

"Aren't you going to put on some makeup too?"

"You dumb dog, there are make-up artists there."

Yujin opened her mouth.


"Come on, let's go!" Minju exclaimed in exhilaration while grabbing onto Yujin's hand and heading out of the bedroom. Not forgetting to take their things.

"Did you take everything already?"

"All done babe." She said while lifting up a big paper bag. Minju smiled and entered the car, followed by Yujin.

Once they reach the school gate, they already see their friends waiting for them. They waved frantically while the couple got out of the car. Yujin took everything before they ran towards their friends.

"Aye yo my bro!" Yena said while Yujin and her did their weird handshake. Minju and Yuri just stared at them and laughed.

"What? It's cool..." Yujin said while their girlfriends shook their heads.

"Come on, let's go!" Heejin shouted while the 9 of them skipped their way into school.

They walked into their classrooms for the last time, appreciating the hard work they have put in for their exams in their years here. After a long three years, they are now finally graduating. A long three years of ups and downs, meeting new people and making new friends. Once they reached their class, all of them went to sit in their respective seats. They all started chatting while waiting for the teacher in charge.

"Are your parents coming?" Yujin asked while Minju nodded.

The brunette already knows that Yujin's parents are not coming since they are not free today. She herself can't believe they're not attending their daughter's graduation, a once-in-a-lifetime thing.

"Don't worry babe, my parents will be here to support you." She said and held onto Yujin's hand while resting her head on her shoulder. Yujin smiled, feeling the warmth brought by Minju's family in this wintry season. Her parents have never failed to take care of both of them.

Ever since Yujin met her parents, she felt as if they were her own parents, giving her the love and warmth that her own parents have never given her. Minju's mother would also at times bring them homemade side dishes, making sure the both of them are well fed even though Yujin has helpers at home, but nothing beats a mother's cooking. Yujin has never been more grateful for Minju's lovely family. She would sometimes think about what she did in her past life to have met this wonderful girl right in front of her.

The teacher then came walking in.

"Good morning class! I hope you guys are doing well after the exams!" The teacher said in excitement.


"That's good to hear. I can't believe you guys are already graduating...seeing you guys grow up these few years have made me emotional..." The teacher started wiping her fake tears.


Everyone started to feel emotional too while Minju sat there with tears in her eyes. Yujin looked at her and held onto her face to make her face her.

"Babe, why are you crying?" She asked while wiping Minju's tears.

"T-This is s-sad..." She showed Yujin a very sad but happy face.

"Aww don't cry..."

Yujin caressed her hair to calm the brunette down. She then nodded before turning in front to face the teacher.

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