Chapter 38 - I Love You

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Yujin's POV

It's the day where I'll be flying to Boston. I have already told the others about it and they're going to be sending me off. I've also told them about us and made sure they won't ask too many questions so I wouldn't think about it too much.

I'm packing my last few things, all my clothes, books, necessities, and basically most of the things in my room. Not forgetting my pictures hung on the wall. I looked at my study table and found a picture we took together. I felt something rising in my stomach as I looked at it. I sighed and placed it in my wallet just so I won't lose it.

I zipped up my bag and luggage before heading out of the room. I walked down and saw Wonyoung already sitting in the living room, waiting for me.

"You ready?" She asked while standing up.

"Will I ever be?" I said lifelessly.

She then shook her head and took her bags with her before walking to the door. I gripped onto my backpack and followed her, turning around one last time before I don't get to see this house for the next I don't know how many years. This is where it holds most of my memories. Of my childhood, teenage years, love life, hard times, everything. I bite down on my jaw and just turned, walking out of the doorway and straight to the car.

I'm going to miss this.

I placed my things in the trunk of the car before getting in the back seat. Wonyoung came in after a while and we left for the airport.


Minju's POV

I'm going. I don't care if she doesn't want me to be there or not. I'm going to try convincing her to stay. Not stay here but stay with me even if she's going to be far away. I took my phone and wallet before heading out of the house with Hyewon eonnie. She said she'll go since Yujin is her friend too. I didn't bother to argue with her but to let her follow because she's not wrong.

We called for a car and it came in no time. It's roughly around 2:30 pm now and she leaves at 4 pm as of what Hyewon eonnie said yesterday. The whole journey, I'm just trying not to think too negatively but it just keeps running in my head. The whole scene from yesterday, those words she said. My eyes are definitely puffy now from all the crying but I couldn't care less.

I looked out the window and just tried to calm down a little, unknowingly reminiscing about the past. It's just so tragic. Why did this happen to us? We love each other so much and she even said she'll die without me. Honestly, I would too. Things just won't be the same without her anymore. I'm at least going to try.

In about 20 minutes, we reached Incheon Terminal and we both got off the car, paid the fare and walked towards the entrance.

"B09...B09..." I mumbled while squinting my eyes. I'm looking for the check-in counter.

After a while, I spotted a rather big crowd of people and noticed it was my friends. I slowly walked there with Hyewon eonnie beside me. She gripped onto my hand and comforted me a little. I let out a small smile at her before we went towards the rest.

Yuri spotted me and came to hug me straight away but she didn't really say anything. She just held onto my arm and brought me to where they were.

And there I saw...the one I love the most...

"Yujin-ah." I turned to see where that voice came from and saw someone tall walking towards her from the side.

"Wonyoung...?" I whispered under my breath and frowned.

Yujin's POV

"Yujin-ah." I turned and saw Wonyoung coming to me with the tickets.

"Thanks," I replied and turned back to my friends who were talking to me.

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