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Sam's POV

Let's get something cleared up right now; my life is a mess.

Yeah, I probably sound like a whiny thirteen year old, but I don't care.

My parents hate me (either that or they just don't give a shit), my neighbors cast me out, and I have a total of one friend.

Yes, alot of people have the same situation as me, and you may be thinking, "so what?", but are they bullied by the popular kid? Does everyone join in just for the hell of it?

In my case, yeah.

Now, I'm not complaining. I love my house, my job pays well(band t-shirts, yass!), and music is a good way to escape. My grades are okay, and I'm not really unhealthy (although I do have an obsession with Nutella).

The reason I say my life is a mess is because of Calum Hood. He's my bully, and it sucks worse than I ever thought it could.

See, Calum was my best friend for almost 14 years. One summer, he refused to hang out with me and hung out with Michael Clifford instead.

After that, he just sort of left. About a year later, he'd become popular and started bullying me.


Hell if I know.

I snort and turn my music up louder. I Miss You by Blink 182 is on.

"Where are you? And I'm so sorry. I cannot sleep; I cannot dream tonight." I sing. There's loud pounding on my door, and I scramble over to my bed (tripping over a stack of books on the way, of course) and hit pause.

"Come in." I call, my voice strained.

The door opens and my older brother peeks his head in.

"Geez, Sam. Your voice is terrible." Ashton jokes, pretending to cringe.

"Shut up, Fletcher." I shoot back. He hates it when I call him that.

"Woah, ouch. Feisty today, aren't we?" He laughs.

"Ashton, I just tripped over a ton of books and twisted my ankle. I'm not very happy." I sigh. "What do you want?"

He opens the door all the way and shows me what he's holding.

"I got pizza." He says, opening the box. My eyes widen and I quickly scoot over, patting the bed next to me.

"Get over here." I demand. He laughs and makes his way over to my bed. He sits down and clicks through my Pandora.

"What are you doing, Ash?" I ask, my mouth already full of pizza.

"I'm-oh! Panic! At the Disco!" He clicks on the station and the song Miss Jackson blares through my laptop speakers. I give Ashton a thumbs up and he begins singing along.

"Woah!" I exclaim. "I didn't actually think you could sing! I've never heard you." Ashton's the lead singer in his band, Swallow The Goldfish.

Ashton shrugs. "I'm not as good as most lead singers."

"Shut up. You're probably even better!' I say, and I mean it. He's amazing.

"Whatever." He says, waving his hand dismissively. "So, how's Calum?" He asks, grabbing a slice of pizza.

"Uh..." I pause. "He's great, actually." I lie. Ashton doesn't know about Calum and I's weird relationship. I couldn't tell him. He'd hurt Calum, and I couldn't let him do that.

Because...well, I just can't.

You know what's sick?

I've fallen in love with Calum Hood.

A/N: oops, first chapter is short. The other ones will be longer, I promise.

How do you like it so far?

Vote and comment!

-Annabeth xx

PS: Samantha is 17, Calum is 18(same with Mikey), and Ashton is 19. Thought I'd let you know.

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