Chapter 1

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Your alarm clock is going off. You reach out your hand under the blanket to get the alarm, and as soon as you get a hold of it, you throw it against the wall.

It keeps ringing. With a loud sigh, you finally get out of bed. As you turn it off the correct way, you hear your dad yelling from downstairs.

„What was that, y/n? You didn't break the wall again, did you?", he shouts.

„The wall's fine, dad. Relax." The wall was, in fact, not fine. It doesn't matter however, you just rearrange an old poster you had lying around to cover it up.

„Okay, but school is starting in 10 minutes, you might wanna hurry up!"

You finally get a hold of your uniform. Hastily putting it on, slinging the jacket on your shoulder and grabbing your bag on the way out the front door, you start sprinting towards PK Academy.

Aw fuuuuck... you hear the school bell ring in the distance. You're not going to make it in time. Unless...

You stop time. Everything freezes around you. You start sprinting to the school, only to hide in some bushes, waiting for all the students to pass by as soon as you released them.

Time continues. No one noticed you, luckily. As you make your way to the lockers to change your shoes, a tall shadow looms upon you. You turn around in fear, just to see some guy with glasses looking at you weirdly.

„Oh, hi! That locker was empty for a while, are you the new transfer student?" he asked in a calm voice. „I'm Kuboyasu. Aren Kuboyasu. Who're you?"

„Y/n L/n, nice to meet you, Kuboyasu." you put away your shoes. „Are you also in class 2-3? I'm kind of lost right now.."

„Oh yeah, I got you, buddy. Just follow me." he drags you through the halls. „We're classmates! This is our room. If you're lonely, you can come join me and the gang- I mean, my friends." he awkwardly smiles.

„Aw, thank you! That's so nice of you." you return his gesture, opening the classroom door.

„You're late, Kuboyasu. Go sit down. L/n, come introduce yourself."

You write your name on the board. Turning around, facing the class, you bow. „I'm Y/n L/n. Nice to meet you. I hope we get along."

„Okay, that's good. Go sit down over there, next to Kaidou. He's the one with the bright blue hair."

You sit down, turning to the boy with the messy, blue hair. „Here to join my fight against the dark reunion?" he glances over to you, definitely overconfident. He's an idiot. But he seems pretty chill, so you decide to just nod and go back to doodling on your paper.

The school bell rings. Kaidou turns to you. „Do you want to eat with us? Kuboyasu said I should invite you.", he says, as you hear kuboyasu approach you from behind, messing up your hair with a friendly head shuffle.

„Come eat with us!" Kuboyasu smiles. You sigh, but not in an annoyed way, more a relieved way. Barely got here, and you already found yourself a friend group. „Yeah, yeah. Don't rush me, I'll go get me lunch box and we can eat outside."

Losing track of time with aren kuboyasu (m!reader x aren kuboyasu)Where stories live. Discover now