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"Mingi?! Where the fuck are Wooyoung and San?!" I screamed at him since the couple was gone. Mingi looked at me in shock because of my tone.

"I heard that they wanted to move" the tall male admitted. I furrowed my eyebrows. "And why the hell didn't you tell me?! How am I supposed to finally kill Wooyoung, if they don't even live here anymore?! The plan was that you help me get into the castle!" I yelled at him.

Mingi stayed quiet which made me go insane.

"Listen Yunho, I do...like you and you know that. But it's not right to actually kill Wooyoung" the male explained to me. My eyes got big. I couldn't believe that the man who actually saved me from dying now turned into a snitch.

"Are you kidding me? That was the plan and you told me you'd support me!" I yelled.

Mingi took my hand in his. My heart pounded faster.

"Yunho you're not a bad person. You don't wanna do this, trust me" Mingi said while looking deeply into my eyes.

I started to think about the way I felt about San. Of course I still had some feelings left for him. But I wasn't sure, if I still loved him.

The past weeks I kind of fell in love with Mingi. He was calm and nice. And he actually cared about me.

I didn't want to admit it but I did fell in love with the tall male that saved me from death.

"Do you really think so?" I asked him with tears in my eyes. "Yes. You are a good person and you actually don't want to do this. Just trust me" Mingi replied softly.

I love the way he spoke to me. His soft voice always made me relax.

"It's time to finally let go of San. I know you loved him for a long time. But I am your mate now and San's mate is Wooyoung" Mingi said, again softly.

"Look..San wasn't able to make you happy and he didn't even tried to. But I am able to make you happy. You deserve to be happy" the male explained.

A tear rolled down my cheek. Nobody ever made me feel this loved, not even San.

"Thank you" I mumbled. Mingi said nothing but hugged me tightly, holding me the way no one ever held me before. The hug felt amazing. I felt amazing.

"It's been a long time since I was this happy" I admitted. Mingi smiled softly at me. "Me too" he agreed with me.

He finally leaned over and kissed me softly.
My stomach felt like exploding every second and my mind went black. I really felt in love with Mingi.

Demon |Woosan  finished ☑️ Where stories live. Discover now