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The next morning Kirishima anxiously waited for his hair to set as he paced his bathroom. The plan was to spend the morning in town as he had used the excuse that there was a new chocolate shop he wanted to see. He figured there would be enough there to keep them busy for at least a few hours. 

As soon as his hair was dry, he grabbed his phone and jogged into the hall so that he could rap on the door beside his. 

"Wait a damn minute!" The voice from inside responded and Kirishima smiled fondly. He was pretty cute when he was grumpy. At least the harmless, just haven't had my coffee yet, sort of grumpy. 

He waited long enough that he was about to knock again when Bakugou abruptly swung open the door. As Kirishima took in the sight of him he couldn't help but laugh. "Dude, you know it's like 18 degrees out right?" He plucked at his jacket. He also noted his boots and pants in contract to his sneakers and shorts. 

"Yeah and that's fucking cold, so shut it." He wrapped his jacket around himself tighter as if to defend it. Kirishima simply shrugged and followed him to the elevator.  

The weather was just as nice as predicted, even if the wind was a bit harsh. They strolled down the street and Kirishima found himself gazing up at the clear sky. It was one of those unseasonably warm days and he was grateful for the sunlight that hit his skin. Today was going to be a good day, he decided right then. 

He made sure their first stop was for some coffee. Bakugou shuffled into the shop behind him and he ordered for the both of them. 

"Who the fuck orders hot chocolate at a coffee shop?" Bakugou grimaced at Kirishima's obnoxiously whipped cream riddled drink.

"Those who enjoy the finer things in life." He smirked as he handed him his own cup. 

Bakugou rolled his eyes and took it, eagerly taking a long drink. They headed back outside to the crowded street and Kirishima led them to the other side where there were less people. Bakugou kept his cup close to his face as he continued to nurse his coffee. Kirishima busied himself with spooning the whip cream off the top of his. 

"So where is this damn place anyway?"

"Mm, I'm not sure. It should be somewhere around here though." He looked around at the various shops, soon spotting the new banner. "Oh! There it is!" He excitedly crossed back across the street.

Inside, dozens of various deserts and candies covered the walls. Ornately decorated cakes lined the display cases near the front along with smaller confections piled high with icing. He didn't want anything that fancy so he focused on the smaller shelf items. He grabbed a bag and starting filling it with chocolates. 

"You want some?" He turned back to Bakugou who stood close by with his free hand shoved deep in his pocket. 

"That shit's gross." He focused on his coffee. 

Kirishima shrugged it off and grabbed a few more before heading up to the front of the store. As he set his bag on the counter, red packaging caught his eye. He grabbed it as well and added it to his pile. 

By the time he had checked out, Bakugou had already meandered back outside and stood against the building waiting for him. He excitedly showed him the candy he bought. 

"Here, you like spicy stuff right?"

Bakugou examined the chocolate, several flames and chilis decorating the wrapper. After a moment of hesitation, he reached out and took it. There was a mumbled 'thanks' as he tore it open. They continued down the sidewalk as they ate. 

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