The bite

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The bite

"You've gotta fucking kidding me."  Bakugou scowled at his reflection as he examined the mark on his neck. "I should kill you."

Kirishima stood nearby. "You bit me too ya know!"

He left off the mirror to glare at him. "I don't have fucking shark teeth  hair for brains!"

The redhead chuckled at that. "Just wear a sweater. "

"Guess I'll fucking have to!"

He rolled his eyes as the blonde stormed over to his closet. As if he wouldn't have worn one anyway. Kirishima hadn't seen him in less than two layers for weeks. He slipped his arms around Bakugou's narrow waist as he looked through his clothes. 

"We could just stay in here all day." His voice was sly. 

"Got shit to do." 

Kirishima loosened his grip so that Bakugou could pull off his shirt. He was a little hesitant to let him get the sweater on though. The blond continued to search for a garment with a high enough neck as Kirishima nuzzled his back. 

"Like what?" 

Irritation was thick in his voice. "Gotta get these forms turned in before tomorrow. My damn hag of a mom won't sign'em unless I come over."

Kirishima hummed as he walked his fingers down his side. Bakugou finally tore a sweater from its hanger and twisted out of his hold. He made no attempt to hide his oggling as he watched him slip into it. He was about to lean in and lick his abs when the fabric fell over them. His pout was apparently obvious. Bakugou pulled him back flush against him. 

"Calm down, obviously you're coming with me." 

A toothy grin spread across his face. 

"That way she can talk your head off and stay the hell away from me."

He shrugged. "I like your mom."

"Yeah well, you like a lot of dumb shit." He flicked his hair out of his face and turned out of the embrace to grab his coat. Kirishima was instructed to hurry and get dressed himself and he ran to his room to do so. 

He dug through his laundry basket in search of something clean, but as he was halfway through pulling his favorite red riot shirt over his head, he realized he was about to see Bakugou's parents. He froze. They weren't exactly, officially, dating. At least he didn't feel it was safe to assume so until Bakugou confirmed it out loud. Still, they were in some way  something , so it added a new layer of stress to visiting his home. 

He jogged back over to his room, hanging inside while holding onto the frame. Bakugou looked up with notable irritation. 

"What should I wear?" 

The blond groaned and shut his eyes. "What's it matter ? Just hurry your ass up!"

Kirishima had been over to Bakugou's house a few times before, but since his parents worked out of town a lot, he had only met them in passing. The longest he had seen them was right after they rescued him from the villains, and he had insisted on staying for a few hours. 

Back then he had been so relieved about him being okay he hadn't paid much attention to the rest of the house. He had vaguely sensed some tension and was surprised when Bakugou kept delaying him leaving. 

If he had been more observant, he might have been able to come up with something to say right now. Bakugou hadn't said much of anything since they arrived, just that he invited Kirishima to come with him. It was in that moment that he found out this wasn't a pre-discussed plan, and the look on his mom's face confirmed it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2021 ⏰

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