Isn't easy

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Isn't easy

Monday morning came entirely too quickly. Kirishima yawned as he forced himself out of bed and zombie walked to the bathroom. His hair was usually his first task of the day since it needed time to set, so he robotically began the process of spiking it up. As it was drying, he brushed his teeth.

His night of sleep had been a bit of a restless one. All his dreams seemed random and hard to piece together. It felt like he hadn't really slept at all.

He adjusted his neck tie and tried to focus on the fleeting image of blond hair that he was sure he remembered. It wasn't uncommon for him to dream about Bakugou, but this time he couldn't seem to hold onto any solid images of what had happened.

He grabbed his backpack and headed out the door, somewhat startled to see someone standing across the hall.

"Bout damn time." Bakugou pushed off the wall and started towards the elevators. Kirishima yawned heavily as he lingered by his door. "Hurry the hell up before we're late!"

"Right, coming!" He shut his door and half jogged to catch up to him. Normally he would have been psyched that Bakugou had waited for him, but he figured he did it to avoid him pouting later. It had been brought up a time or two before.

He rubbed at his eyes as they stood in the elevator. Coffee wasn't really his thing, but he was certainly tempted to stop by a vending machine before class. He checked his phone. Damn, no time.

Once they arrived, Bakugou went to his desk and Kirishima slumped over his. Kaminari was sitting sideways to talk to Sero and poked him. "Look alive! Big test today!"

Kirishima swatted at him without looking up and groaned.

"Our resident ray of sunshine has faded!" Sero lamented dramatically.

"Look! I'm already deteriorating!" Kaminari shoved his arm out. "I'm so" He feigned death as he slid from his seat. Kirishima sighed and sat up fully. Kaminari offered a smile that he did his best to return.

"Man, I really could have used some caffeine." He groaned.

"Yeah I was up pretty late cramming." Sero stretched his long arms.

"Man, I feel like everyone studied but me!" Kaminari whined.

"You didn't study at all?" Kirishima pulled out his notes for a final glance.

Kaminari shrugged. "I figure I'll know the right answer when I see it on the test."

"It's essay style." Sero deadpanned.

"It's what? " Kaminari visibly paled as the door opened and Mr. Aizawa silenced the class.

The first part of the day seemed to drag on a lot longer than normal. By the time it was finally lunch, Kirishima was practically crawling to the vending machine. As he reached it and read the sign taped to the glass, he let his head fall back in anguish. "Of course." He spun around and headed to the other machine much father away.

As he trudged down the hallways, he tried to think more about what Ashido had told him. Maybe staying positive and hoping for the best was the best he could do, but just about every part of reality seemed to be saying the opposite.

Bakugou was just his friend, and only because he had more or less pestered him into it. He said he wasn't interested in dating, and Kirishima didn't even know who he would be into dating if he was. He didn't seem to mind him hanging around or off of him all the time, but also didn't initiate any of it. So at best, it kinda just seemed like he was tolerating him. He sighed at that, but it did sound right.

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