Trick or treat

8 4 2

This is my entry for round 2 of the horror smackdown. I had to use quotes 1, 3, 6, and 8. The quotes used are from Nightmare before Christmas and Corpses Bride. The pictures I used are 3, 4, 6, and 7. Word count: 2,530.

"You aren't scared, are you?" Kayla asked Jen, who looked scared enough to pee her pants.

"I just don't see why we have to do it all the way out here," Jen whined. "And what if something goes wrong?" she asked as she looked around. They were in the old cemetery, the one that no one ever came to anymore. It was supposedly haunted. And the creepy woods behind them wasn't helping anything. All the leaves had already fallen, making the trees seem like dead limbs rising up from the ground.

"Jen, don't be such a baby!" Ray said, looking up from placing the candles around. She was tired of Jen always trying to back out on things. They all had agreed that they were going to do the spell they found in their book.

"I'm not!" Jen protested. "But I don't see why we had to come dressed up like witches." She pulled up the hood of her cloak again as it kept falling down.

"Because we are going to the Halloween party later, and we decided on going as the Witches of Eastwick." Kayla said as she handed Jen the chalice. They all took their positions in a half circle as Kayla, holding a blade, began reciting the spell.

"I evoke thee, Lady of Night, to grant us the power of fright." Kayla took the blade slicing across her palm with it. The sting of the cut made her feel more alive, almost like a high. She watched, fascinated, as the blood trickled down. Kayla placed her hand over the chalice, letting the blood drop into it.

"Whose heart had been turned to ice, give us the beauty to entice." Ray spoke up as she made the cut on her own palm, imitating Kayla as her blood mixed in the cup with hers.

"Always the corpse's bride, never the wife. Let's show him we still have our pride!" Jen stated as she winced, cutting her own palm. She shut her eyes as the blood joined her two friends'.

"Let your hatred yearn, make the fires burn!" They said unison, each with a hand on the chalice as they tipped the cup over, letting their blood drip to the ground. Gasps filled the silence while they witnessed the candles around them ignite, the flames burning brightly in the dark night.

"If I touch a burning candle, I can feel no pain. In the ice or in the sun, it's all the same. Yet I feel my heart is aching; though it doesn't beat it's breaking; and the pain here that I feel, try and tell me it's not real. I know that I am dead; yet it seems that I still have some tears to shed."

The candles blew out one by one from the wind that came from nowhere, bringing with it a fog that swept over the land. Like a blanket of death it came, covering everything in its icy mist. They saw an outline of a shape that came with the fog, standing in the shadows. It was a lady wearing a dress, who had her back to them by the old lantern. Her dark hair stayed still in the wind, contrasting with her pale skin. The soft eerie sound of her voice floated to them between the distance.

"How dare you bring me here!" she said, her voice came out sounding like nails raking on steel. She paused to turn around and face them. They could see into the depths of her dark crimson eyes; eyes that were leaking blood. "Little Miss Living, with her rosy cheeks and beating heart." She glided towards them, her feet not touching the ground, and stopped in front of Kayla. "Should I rip yours out and tear it apart? Tell me then, little girl. Would you still feel, if it's torn to pieces?" She reached her hand out, touching her face. "You should have left the dead alone, to wallow in their grief. It was your mistake, now your lives will be brief."

Kayla held still, her heart hammering in her chest. She didn't even breath, too afraid of what the apparition would do. The air around her felt cold; like death.

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