Ice Fortress- Round 2, Grand Prix

152 10 61

Round 2, needed to write 200 word fairytale like story. Word count: 200

In a land of ice, a Princess was cast aside- taken from her castle.

"Why have you done this to me?" she asked the Ice Wizard.

"For you to learn the meaning of value, my dear," he replied. "For what kind of Queen would you make if you did not know? Do not cry, my child."

However she did weep, stricken by sadness. And those tears froze around her, building a fortress of solitude as her heart became cold and brittle.

The Prince, having heard tales of a weeping maiden, went on a quest to save her. Fighting giants and ice trolls, he worked his way farther into the land of ice. Never had he fought for something so hard that he knew this maiden was one to treasure.

"Do not cry, Milady, I have come to free you," spoke the Prince after finding the fortress.

But the Princess's heart had frozen with the land.

"No!" she protested.

Though that didn't deter the Prince, and with his golden heart he was able to melt her castle of ice, warming her heart.

From that moment on the Princess knew what value meant, because she cherished the Prince's love above all.

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