Darkness- part 1

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Darkness. It follows you like the plague: little by little it devours you until there is nothing left. Is there a cure, a way to become free? I don't know, but I would like to think there is. Hope- it is what it always comes down to isn't it?

You may be wondering who I am, or maybe not. Because really, who would care about the reading some no one who has lived a life that can be so easily forgotten by the world in which we live? There are so many souls out there so why would it matter if you know who I am? For this reason I will remain nameless. However, from here on out I will tell you my story. It's just up to you to decide if you want to continue on or to toss it out as another thing to be discarded.

There is no hardships, romance, or anything else that makes for a good story. It's just simply me and darkness.

Perhaps you are wondering what it is that is plaguing me, that is trying to devour me into the sea of inky well of blackness. Well, I guess I would have to say it's my mind, or my thoughts to be precise. The way they can make you think and feel things that are so crazy.

No, I didn't live some hard, messed up life. In fact, it was the opposite. I had made honors, stayed out of trouble, and above all tried to be a good a kid. Or more so, a nobody that would be easily forgotten, who could sweep on by without being noticed. And why? Because of my thoughts.

I'm not crazy... at least I don't think I am.

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