For Love- Round 3, Grand Prix

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Round 3-  Gladiator themed with 2,000 characters

Sweat trickled down between her breasts as she stood in the chariot above the sand that had been rained down upon by the sun, causing its insatiable thirst- thirst for blood. And tonight, under the stars, it shall have a feast.

"Uri, vinciri, verberari, ferroque necari," she mumbled under her breath, her arm already tiring from holding the sword as she glanced around the arena. She looked to her husband, sitting like a king in the stands, and held her head up high. It was because of him that she was here, fighting to live or to die. She didn't do it for the wealth or the glory. There was no money to be had, at least not for her anyway as she was a noblewoman. It was for the love she bore him.

The dwarves that surrounded her had an appearance like animals, no longer did humanity shone in their eyes. As one they charged at her, hoping that one of them could get to her, while they let loose inhumane yells. She bellowed her own cry, wondering if she seemed as monstrous as them as her horse took off. With the sword raised she swung for the first one, cutting the man in half as blood and gore seeped into the sand. Another body dead to those that were already slain.

Cheers rose as the next one was killed, and the one after that while another had managed to maim her horse. No, there was no glory to be had; not for her. She risked a glance to her husband again, seeing him surrounded by other wealthy men when she felt the first sting of a cut.

Like a swarm of rats they were on her within seconds while she hacked away with her sword, no more did she have the upper ground. The crowd loved it, the excitement. More cuts followed her first one, giving the sand the drink of life- her life.

She quickly lost ground and knew that her time had come. Shunned by her people yet cheered by them, a thought crossed her mind that perhaps it was better this way.

"Uri, vinciri, verberari, ferroque necari," she whispered again as a single tear fell from her eyes. She had done it for love.

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