Chapter IIII- A new party member and a night in the palace

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After about an hour some of the people around the room began to walk up to us. Soon enough Inei walked over with Amber not far behind. "Hey Inei have any idea of what's going on?" I asked as he quickly answered. "People will be walking up to you to ask if they could join you in your travels. Seems so far you have no one thought which is strange." I sighed and put my head down feeling a bit tired and sick of being in the same room as Saito and Sakiko. Right as Inei began to walk off I heard a pair of light footsteps heading in my direction.

I lifted my head a bit as I saw an elf with purple skin, and fairly long white hair walked over. "Ahh I assume your the sun hero?" The elf asked as I looked up and nodded. "May I join you in your journey Sir Sun hero." The moon elf asked as I looked up at Cat. She simply smiled as I felt my self unable to find any words. I softly made my foot tap Cat's foot as she looked at me as I gave her a signal. She quickly understood and smiled "Of course you can but, can we have your name?"

      The elf nodded as he softly bowed his head a bit. "My name is Amamion Fenemnor... A pleasure to meet you Sir Sun hero." The moon elf smiled as he lifted his head up. "Hmmm doesn't the name Amamion mean something like moon flower? And doesn't the last name Fenmenor belong to an ancient elven royalty?! There's no freaking way this guy is an ancient royal!!" I exclaimed in my head as I locked my eyes on Amamion.

     Almost as if our minds where connected Cat suddenly blurted out. "Whoa aren't the Fenmenor some kind of old royal family!?" Amamion tilted his head for a moment and suddenly busted out laughing. "We stopped being royals centuries ago. My family is no longer a royal family now we are just normal people. It's amusing to me that not many people believe it." Cat and I looked at him with a slightly confused yet shocked expression. "Just so that you are both comfortable call me Ama" The elf smiled as we shook our heads and nodded.

         Amamion pulled a chair over and sat at the table with me and Cat. He spoke to us about his slight adventuring experience as he soon told us that he was a sorcerer. I tried not to say anything much as I munched on some fruit. Once a few hours had passed I looked around the room and saw that the other heroes where in groups of about five people. I then looked at Cat and Ama and looked down. I was slightly disappointed that I didn't have a large group like the other heroes. But, I always knew having a small group had it's upsides just like it had its down sides.

         I looked up at a clock and saw it was five in the afternoon. I felt myself grow anxious as I couldn't be in this dinning room any longer. "Excuse me... I'm gonna go talk to Sir Inei.." I muttered as I walked over to Inei who was leaning against a wall eating a big slice of Laluna cake. The mouth piece of his helmet was open as he took a fork full of Laluna cake. "Sorry to interrupt Inei. But, how long do we have to be in this dinning hall?" I asked Inei as he held the fork in place while he swallowed the previous bite. "Well you where supposed to wait for the king but, he got a bit busy with royal duties. He had said that at six or seven all of you could go up to the guest rooms that the maids have been cleaning."

        "Geez are there that many guest rooms? Also why did you say all of us? Are you not staying here tonight?" I asked as Inei quickly answered "First of all yes the rooms are large and there are many of them. Which is why all of you are being held down here for a while. Second of all the reason I said "us" as in all of you is because I'm not staying in the castle. It would be one less room for the maids to prepare."

       My mind quickly kept getting filled with new questions. It wasn't normal for Inei to turn down a place to rest. Back home he used to love being in the castle although sometimes he would unwillingly cause some chaos around the palace. "Why aren't you staying though?" I asked Inei as he sighed softly. "I never told you this Solrus... But the king and I don't get along... Not as much as the queen and I do. I will stay at a local inn and come back during the morning. I know you worry for me like if I where your bother but, trust me when I say I don't mind not being in the palace." He spoke in a slightly happier tone as I nodded satisfied with the answer. "Just don't go on adventuring at night and avoid necromancers..." I whispered as he smiled a bit and went back to eat his Laluna cake.

      I walked back to my table as I softly began to speak with Ama and Cat. Once the clock struck seven o'clock a group of six maids walked into the dinning hall. "Excuse us for interrupting but, we have completed the adjustments to all your rooms. Please follow us so we can lead you all to your rooms." A half dragon maid announced as we all looked at her. She signalled for all of us to follow as we all quickly followed her. She led us all up a few stairs as they led to a massive corridor full of several doors.

      Each of us where guided into separate rooms as where our part members. When one of the maids went to ask Cat if she where to stay with me. She suddenly grabbed onto my arm sandwiching my arm between her chest. My face was quick to steam and turn into a good berry red once again. "I'm staying with my hero!" Cat exclaimed as my face grew hotter as she cuddled me. I felt a bit embarrassed in the situation as the maid smiled and quickly led us to our room.  Once we where in the room she told us to call if we needed anything as we nodded. We stared into the massive room with one pretty large bed.

        Cat quickly got excited as she dragged me into the bed. She threw herself on the bed and pulled me along with her as if I where a doll. She held me close as she lowered my hood while hugging me close to her chest. I let out a sigh as I relaxed a bit as I felt my anxiety calm down knowing it was just me and Cat once again. After a while of cuddling we proceeded to shower before heading off to bed. I changed from my fine clothing into a set of common clothes. Cat was quick to out on a white silky smooth night gown. She quickly lied down as I tried to remove the shield from my arm with no avail.

        Soon enough I remembered that the legendary weapons didn't detach themselves from their hero. I sighed a bit annoyed as I lied down as comfortable as I could. After a short time Cat fell asleep her head on my chest as I softly fell asleep rubbing her wolf  ears.

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