Chapter V- Midnight crimes

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I woke up from my fairly deep sleep with a feeling that something wasn't right. I glanced over at a clock and saw it was merely midnight. I looked at Cat and saw she was still in her usual deep sleep. As I slowly got up and set her to the other side of the bed making sure not to accidentally wake her up. My instincts told me something wasn't right. "Maybe Inei got himself in an accident again-" I mumbled to myself and rubbed my eyes as I yawned. I got up and changed to my fine clothing I looked at the Golden Dawn sheild as it shimmered in the moonlight. "Doesn't matter what's going on I still have have go out there and check it out. What if someone's in danger." I thought to myself as I quickly grabbed my small bag full of potions and silently slipped out of the room. I was quick to rush out of the palace I was surprised I didn't get lost on my way out.

But, I suppose the fact I've lived in a castle myself I already knew how to navigate through them. I ran passed a pair of guards before they could even ask me where I was heading off to. I felt my heart pounding as I followed the sounds of combat somehow I felt as if I already knew where to go although I was a stranger to the city. After running for sometime I quickly skid and took a sharp right turn into a dark open alley that seemed less then an alley but, more like an abandoned large open warehouse. I saw Inei trying to defend what seemed to be a younge demi human girl. Inei was using his large armored body to withstand all the heavy sword and rapier swings.

Something about those weapons seemed odd to me. It didn't take long for Inei's attackers to notice me as they quickly charged and tried to attack. I quickly held the shield up as it glowed and expanded it's self and blocked both heavy hits. I made sure to keep a firm stance as the attackers slid back a few feet away from me. After blocking both their attacks I noticed that their weapons weren't any normal weapons they where holy weapons. Which made since that they where hurting Inei so much although he was a hero he was also still an undead. Which meant he was still fairly weak to holy magic.

I heard the young girl cry as seeing the violence that was unrolling before her. Inei wasn't in good shape I could tell he has been defending the girl for quite some time now due to the fact he was heavily injured. I quickly made sure to block their attacks one after the other. I quickly got an idea and grabbed both of their heads and bashed them against one another.  They got up a bit dazed as I quickly remembered more of my improvised combat training with Inei. I quickly punched one of the attackers right in the stomach and then grabbed the other and slammed him to the ground.

      I was somewhat shocked with my physical strength. I never knew I could actually be so strong. I shook my head and snapped back from my thoughts. Right when the holy weaponed attackers left I felt an odd presence. I looked around ready to attack if I had to. I saw a white holy arrow come out of no where and shoot Inei in between his armor plates. I looked up and saw who fired the holy arrow and it was none other then Saito. He jumped down from his hidding spot and made his way to the weakned Inei. The girl was fast to run off with a soft thank you. I didn't pay much attention to the girl as I  quickly got inbetween Inei and Saito.

       "Don't you dare touch him!" I growled at Saito knowing that anymore holy magic could kill Inei. "Oh please I wouldn't kill the ancient Cursed hero. Although, I personally think an old dog should be put out of its misery don't you agree?" Saito smirked as I growled like an angry dire wolf. Before I could even notice Sakiko walked over and stood along side Saito. I was confused on how she got here and how they even found me and Inei. I smelled something fishy was gonna happen as truth be told it did. Sakiko suddenly threw herself on me and began to get rather touchy in places I didn't like.

"Let me go you disgusting pig!" She shouted as she pulled me onto her as guards began to make their way over. Meanwhile Saito was quick to use his arrow to leave gash wounds in Inei and quickly used a rock to dent his armor. I was far more then just confused as I tried to wrap my head around the situation these two had put me in. Once the guards came over Saito quickly pulled me off of Sakiko and showed me aside as Sakiko hugged Saito and let out some crocodile tears. "I caught the Sun hero attacking the cursed hero and I violating Sakiko. Just like I found the cursed hero all over a younge girl! Luckily I made it in time to stop them both!" Saito exclaimed as he looked at me and Inei.

   "What?! That's not true! She threw herself on me and thugs attacked Inei while he defended a little girl! I would never attack my mentor like that! And we would never touch anyone in anyway!" I shouted in defense. However the guards didn't bother listening they quickly rushed over and put anti magic shackles on us and took us to a dungeon in the palace.

I thrashed around I anger as Inei was far to weak to even talk. "This isn't fair! Their lying please listen to me!" I yelled at the guards as they locked the cell Inei and I where placed in. "The king will take care of this manner in the morning and he will choose your punishments-" a guard responded as he left with the others. "Damn it! This isn't fair it isn't right! We didn't do anything!" I angrily shouted. Inei weakly lifted his head to look at me as his mouth piece was open. He looked hungry very hungry although, he was a zombie almost a skeleton he still needed to eat.

      Inei never liked the thought of eating anything raw or of eating people but, right now he seemed to have no choice or so I thought. He softly touched my pocket and put his hand out as if asking me to give him something. I listened and pulled out a vile I was lost at first until I remembered that care one on me just in case. Inei drank the vile as he sighed and leaned back agaisnt the cell wall. "Thank you... Solrus..." Inei mumbled as his gaze stayed facing the ground. "No problem" I answered. After, a few minutes I began to think about Cat and how she would feel and react seeing me right now and what would happen tomorrow.

     I shook my head and sighed to my self "Tomorrow is another day-" as I slowly fell asleep on the cell bed as Inei slept on the other bed.

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