Chapter 34.

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Dicky's POV:

It's been about a few days since I was released and my siblings have been really uh.. how do I explain it strict on what I can and can't do. Don't get me wrong I love the attention 😏 but sometimes it's just annoying.

Dawn: Dicky, your not suppose to move around.

Dicky: jeez Dawn I was just grabbing a glass of water.

(BTW Dicky still has a hurt ankle).

Dawn: dicky, first of all you still have a hurt ankle and you just had surgery so if anything that's why I gave you a bell to ring.

Dicky: Dawn would you relax I'm fine.

Megan: dicky honey, why are you up?

Dicky: Urg. Why is everyone so protective? I'm fine.

Megan: We r just follow the doctors orders trying to watch out for you.

Dicky: Meg it's been 3 days I'm fine.

Megan :). Kids breakfast. Oh darn it I forgot milk.

Dicky&Dawn: I'll go get it.

Dawn: no dicky sit. I'll get it for you Meg.

Megan: maybe you two boys should go with her.

Dawn: the store is just a few blocks I'll go and be back in 10 mins 30 at the least.

Megan: Okay be careful. You know my rules.

Dawn: Yeah yeah.

Both: Don't talk to anyone and grab the stuff pay and walk out don't stop any point any time.

Meg: Good I'm glad you have it memorized.

Dawn: I'll be back.

Meg: here

Dawn: Thx.

(Dawn heads out to the store).

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