Break Up

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"Sometimes, to love someone is letting them go."


Jungkook was sitting in the living room.

He was staring blankly ahead, lost in his own thoughts. The room was silent, to the point that you could hear a faint ringing to your ears.

Minutes pass but Jungkook stays that way for a while.

He fiddles with his fingers repeatedly, chews at his lower lip and sometimes taps his heel on the floor then stops again to bask in silence.

The second hand of the clock finishes another lap and the time strikes twelve in the afternoon. Jungkook finally snaps out of his deep thoughts.

Not long after, theres the sound of the front door opening. It was Taehyung, Jungkook's lover.

Jungkook stands up to greet Taehyung with a smile on his face, but that immediately drops when he sees the other's expression exhausted and grim. Taehyung's face looks so pale and tired.

"W-welcome home. You look tired. Was work stressful?" Jungkook asked.

Taehyung barely even glanced at him as he walked to the kitchen.

"Yeah, it's the usual. Busy as always."

Jungkook followed behind Taehyung. He frowned at the clipped reply.

"Oh, is that so? Are you hungry? I made some foo—"

"I'm tired, Jungkook. I'll just eat later, okay?"

Jungkook shut up at the sudden harsh tone from Taehyjng.

Silence permeated between them and Taehyung heaved a deep sigh and ran his fingers through his hair. His face looked troubled and stressed. Like he was trying to reign his irritation in.

Jungkook just look miserable at the harshness of his boyfriend. It has been like this lately and this wasn't exactly the first time they've fallen out within the three years they've been together.

"Look, I'm sorry. I'm just tired, okay? Let's just—you know, talk later okay?"

Jungkook chewed on his lower lip as he watched Taehyung's shoulder slump in exhaustion.

He knows that he shouldn't complain at this moment as it will lead to another fight but Jungkook just felt so upset and he could not take this kind of treatment anymore as it has been continuing for more than a week.

"Taehyung-ah. It's been a week and—you know we need to talk, like right now. We can't keep pushing it for tomorrow. I'm upset, okay? You've been so cold."

Taehyung ignored his words and just pulled open the refrigerator, took a water bottle to drink from.

"Look here. I know you're tired but I'm also tired Taehyung!" Jungkook exclaimed at Taehyung.

He had been stewing over this since morning. He's been trying to think of a way they can talk about whatever that is happening to them at the moment because it just made the both of them miserable.

Jungkook was so tired and honestly done this past week. He had tried his best to be understanding at the sudden outburst Taehyung gives him, even the cold attitude, the not so sincere apologies. Just everything.

Taehyung sighed tiredly. Silence wrapped around them once again.

"Are you tired of me?"

Jungkook's voice quivered at his own question. His heart was beating anxiously, he kept fiddling with his hands as he chewed on his lip. It's a constant habit of his when he's nervous and scared. Taehyung knows of this and is looking at him repeating those motions.

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