Reciprocated At Last

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This is a continuation of Unrequited Love. I planned a part two but I was having troubles publishing it. Hope you guys like it.


"Kookie say ah" Jimin spoon-feeded Jungkook.

My heart clenched at the sight but I still smiled and ate my food.

"Eww can't you two at least stop being sweet to each other while we eat?" Hobi-hyung said.

The others agreed.

"You can't stop them because they just can't keep their hands to theirselves hyung." I said while shrugging and Jin-hyung chuckled at my comment.

Jungkook glared at my way and I just stick out a tongue at him.

It's fine. I'm fine. It will pass.

We joked around while we ate. I tried to laugh to a joke when they flirted with each other. I tried not to let the hurt look pass to my face.

I suppressed my feelings. It will pass.

"Are we going to keep their relationship secret?" Jin-hyung asked us all.

"I think it's better to tell our fans about it." Hobi-hyung said.

"Yes, I agree with Hobi but I suggest to give small hints for a while then drop the bomb." Yoongi-hyung suggested.

"It's more safer to keep it for a while while dropping some hints. It will be a great shock to our fans if we dropped it suddenly and it will reflect badly on our group and they would be hate comments. It's dangerous. So we should let them get used to it slowly then say it." Namjoon-hyung said.

"So you two, learn to keep your hands to yourselves." I commented again and Jin-hyung chuckled again.

"Tae, can you stop that?" Jimin said and I just chuckled at myself too.

"I can't help it. It was perfect to use." I said.

I continued eating and let them talk. I was not in the mood to speak. I just continued munching and looked at them time to time.

"Taehyung you have a stain on your chin." Hobi-hyung said and wiped my face. I smiled thankfully at him.

"Thanks Hobi-hyung." I just said and continued eating silently.


We practiced dancing today. And the new couple just couldn't get away from each other. I was losing my concentration because of them.

Jin-hyung comforted me with encouraging words and I'm thankful for that.

Hobi-hyung is somehow more caring these past few hours. Maybe he's just in the mood to care. He's always a tease sometimes so it's kind of refreshing to have him care for me like this.

"Tae! A towel and water for you!" Hobi-hyung said and handed me the bottle and the towel.

"Thanks Hobi-hyung! Man I'm beat with practice! I'm sorry for making mistakes." I said to him.

"It's fine. I'll let you go for today. I'll teach you the steps again later. Just rest for now." He said and I nodded.

Maybe something good happened to him today that's why he's not too strict about the dance for today.

I sat on the floor and drank water. I didn't even realize that my eyes were following Jungkook's every move.

His smile. The way his nose scrunches up when he laughs hard. His cute teeth. I wish it was all mine.

I was staring at him and Jimin. I wonder when can I move on from all of this? This has lasted for years and maybe it's enough. It's already enough longing for him.

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