Chapter 9

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Note: Mention of a mild panic attack in this chapter. Do skip it, if you're uncomfortable. Take care <3


"Kiss me."

"What?!" Jimin squawked.

"Kiss me"

"Why?" Jimin said, eyes flickering between Taehyung's eyes and lips. "Because I said so," irritation was clear in Taehyung's voice. He couldn't remember the last time he was questioned this much.

"But I don't want to." Jimin blurted out.

"You sucked my dick and enjoyed it, clearly", Taehyung said leaning down to him, "Open your mouth, Kitten."

Jimin glared at him, his breathing uneven and his body still. Taehyung looked down at his lips and licked his own. His mouth was positively sinful. Both lips were plump, cherry pink and enticing. On any other male face that pouty mouth would have looked ridiculously out of place, but not on this one. Taehyung's own mouth practically itched to taste, bite, and suck. So he did. Taehyung didn't try to be gentle. He wasn't a gentle man. He took Jimin's chin between his fingers and kissed him rough and greedy. His tongue slipped inside Jimin's mouth, demanding fingers tightening on his jaw and it wasn't anything like Taehyung had ever experienced before. He suddenly understood why people described kissing as melting because he could feel Jimin melt under him as he bit into the plump lower lip and licked into Jimin's mouth, tracing every inch. Jimin tasted like Taehyung's cum which instead of disgusting him turned him on even more. Taehyung kissed him deeper, sucked on his tongue harder and hungrier as Jimin moaned prettily, fingers gripping onto his shirt. Taehyung could feel himself becoming hard again---

Taehyung pulled away.

Breathing harshly, they stared at each other, Taehyung was too turned on that he didn't know what to do with it. Jimin's eyes wide and dark, his lips swollen from Taehyung's cock and teeth. And fuck, it took all of Taehyung's strength not to rail the man to the mattress then and there.

"I told you you'd enjoy it," Taehyung said, and he was surprised by how unbothered his voice sounded contrast to his inner turmoil.

A storm of different emotions flickered through Jimin's expressive face. "Just because you could turn me on, doesn't mean I like you."

"I don't need you to like me, pretty" Taehyung said, getting out of bed and straightening his clothes. He leaned down to brush his lips against the well-used mouth, relishing the way Jimin shivered. Taehyung bit Jimin's lower lip lightly. "Liking me isn't a requirement. You can keep on hating me."

With that he left the room.


Once entering his own room, Taehyung came to a halt and took a deep breath. Pressing the button on the intercom, he ordered, "Send me a woman. Blonde, full lips, average height. She must like it rough."

If Viper was surprised to receive such a request at three in the morning, he knew better than to say anything. "Yes, Kim Taehyung. You'll have her in half an hour."

And he did get what he wanted in half an hour.

And if he thought about the man in the next room as he slammed into the woman, he is taking that thought to his grave.


Jimin was sure of it that Taehyung was up to something. But he didn't know what to expect from the other man after last night. Heck, he doesn't know what to expect from himself after last night. He wasn't sure how to act around Taehyung anymore. His half-baked plan to pretend to be a clueless, vulnerable kid to make Taehyung drop his guard around him seemed so laughable now. He didn't need to pretend. He just revealed his most embarrassing kink to none other than Kim Taehyung – his father's enemy and his captor. None of his former boyfriends had known about that particular kink – being used and being called derogatory terms. Jimin had always been too ashamed to tell them, feeling like a freak for getting off on something like that.

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