Chapter 17

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"You have a family," Jimin said, blinking. "A normal family with an annoying cute little sister and wedding rehearsals."

Taehyung walked towards him, loosening his tie. He fake gasped, "Shocking, isn't it?"

"Sometimes villains have mothers and siblings, too. Not all of us are tragic orphans with abused childhoods you know."

Jimin chuckled, although he was still trying to wrap his mind around the concept of Taehyung having a normal family. "I guess I just never imagined you as an overprotective and irritated elder brother."

Taehyung's lips twitched again. "Don't start thinking I'm a good person, love." He put his hands on Jimin's hips, looking down at him with a guarded expression. "I protect myself and what's dear to me. Simple as that."

Jimin nodded. That made sense. "D-do they know what you do?"

"Of course they know what I do. Some of it." Taehyung's face closed off, eyes turning colder. He clearly didn't want to talk about it.

Jimin fidgeted, trying to ignore the insane urge to put Taehyung in a better mood and please him. Shit. Is this how Stockholm syndrome starts?

"Some of it?" Jimin said, lifting his hands to take Taehyung's tie off.

Taehyung let him, a strange expression flickering through his face. "You ask too many questions."

"You answer only a small portion of my questions, so I figure the more questions I ask, the bigger the chance to get at least some answers." Jimin shrugged with a smile. "Doesn't hurt, does it?"

Taehyung's gaze moved to his cheek—to where Jimin knew his dimple sometimes appeared. He saw Taehyung stare at it for a moment before he leaned in and kissed it.

He kissed it.

Jimin went still, wide-eyed and breathless, the tie slipping from his hand to the floor.

Taehyung stiffened. He pulled back and turned away, looking faintly displeased, and made a step toward the door.

"Are you leaving already?" Jimin blurted out. Cringing immediately, appalled and embarrassed by his silly, inappropriate clinginess. Fuck. This was worse than he had thought. This couldn't continue. He must escape, as soon as possible—before this thing could become worse.

"Already?" Taehyung turned back to him, his eyebrows raised slightly, the look on his face coldly speculative.

"Do you want me to stay?" Taehyung said, his face impossible to read.

Jimin crossed his arms over his chest and eyed the other man. Was this all just a game for him? Everything was so calculated with Taehyung. Sometimes Jimin felt like he was just a piece on a chess board, to move where Taehyung needed and to be knocked off once he had outlived his usefulness. Sometimes he made him feel like the most precious thing in the universe. Jimin had never felt so out of his depth in his life.

God. He was so sick of it.

He wanted some control. He wanted Taehyung to lose control for a change.

Jimin took the hem of his oversized t-shirt and pulled it off in one motion. He was naked underneath it, of course. Taehyung was back to his "no-underwear" policy.

Taehyung's hazel eyes swept over him. Jimin stood tall, refusing to be embarrassed under his scrutiny. If there was anything he was certain about, it was that Taehyung wanted his body. One could fake emotions, one could lie about one's thoughts, but lust wasn't something a man could fake. And Kim Taehyung wanted him—wanted him badly enough to not care about his gender.

"Does this mean you want me to stay?" Taehyung said, sounding amused. This bastard.

Jimin shrugged and sprawled out on the bed. "I'd rather you leave," he said softly, running a hand over his own chest and sighing as it brushed his nipples. "You don't know how to take care of me, anyway."


Jimin smiled, looking at the ceiling.

"That isn't the impression I get when you beg for my cock," Taehyung said in a clipped tone.

"Anyone can stick a dick in a hole," Jimin said, grinning. "I love being fucked, and any hard, thick cock does it for me. But you can't take care of me properly."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Taehyung sounded downright irritated now. Good.

Jimin looked him in the eye. "I love being eaten out," he murmured. "I love when guys stick their tongue in my hole and let me ride their faces."

Something flared in Taehyung's eyes. Something dark. Was it anger? Was it disgust? Was it too much for a straight man? For a 'straight' man, Taehyung was a very generous lover, not squeamish about touching Jimin's cock with his hands or even with his mouth, for that matter. But it seemed he drew a line at rimming another man. Not that it was entirely unexpected: many gay men doesn't like eating ass, either. Too bad. There were only few things Jimin loved more.

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