Chapter 22

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The very next morning, Jimin waltz into a room, slamming his hand down on the table. Namjoon almost dropped his coffee mug.

"Doctor Kim Namjoon"

"Y-yes Jimin?"

"Fix me."

Jimin barely slept the previous night, tossing and turning, and woke up feeling tired and frustrated but with angry determination coursing through his veins. He was going to erase Kim Taehyung out of his mind.


Dr. Kim Namjoon, aka Joonie-hyung, twenty-seven, psychologist, one of Jimin's closest friend. A man with intelligent, kind brown eyes, framed by a thin pair of glasses, the gentlest dimpled smile, and the most amazing mind anyone has ever come across. Who now sat across Jimin, cradling his third mug of coffee –because Park Jimin was giving him a headache.

For half an hour, he simply listened without interrupting Jimin as he stumbled through his story. He told him everything. There was little point to seek a psychologist's help if one didn't intend to be honest.

After hearing the revelation Namjoon wanted to give giving Jimin a good shake but right now he's his psychologist – Dr. Namjoon and not his friend Joonie-hyung, so he refrained.

Namjoon's face was mildly sympathetic as Jimin described his problem---but to Jimin's utter disappointment and confusion—

Joonie-hyung doesn't agree this is Stockholm syndrome!

"While I do agree that the isolation and the obvious power imbalance in your relationship with your 'kidnapper' couldn't be healthy for you, you do not display the typical behaviour of someone with the syndrome, Jimin" he said in a professional tone. "You are not making excuses for your 'captor'. You don't think he's actually a good guy. You were able to escape. Every case is different, of course, but victims of Stockholm syndrome typically don't even want to be rescued." His eyes held no judgment when he added softly, "As for the power imbalance in bed, as far as I can comprehend, it stemmed from your sexual preferences. Didn't it?"

Jimin could only stutter and blush. He'd never really discussed his sexual fantasies and kinks with anyone other than Taehyung. Talking about them to someone from 'his world' was kind of embarrassing.

"Did he force you?"

"Never" Jimin admitted softly.

"Why do you think he didn't just take what he wanted?"

Jimin scowled, "Something like he's not into forcing or some shit. But I believe he didn't force me because he wanted to mess with my mind"

Namjoon smiled, "This is what I mean, Jimin. You're still capable of critical thinking. You question his motives instead of trusting him without reservation."

Jimin cringed a little. "But I did trust him, at least in bed. He made me feel safe enough to..." His skin warmed.

Namjoon gave him a small nod, indicating to go on, "You can tell me, Jimin—"

"I turned into a fucking nympho around him hyung! It was like I couldn't control myself. The...the attraction I feel....felt towards him, and he He never harmed me, heck, he didn't even lay a finger on me if I didn't want it ---- Argh, I'm telling you I have Stockholm syndrome. Why don't you believe me?"

Namjoon regarded him calmly, "The fact that you felt safe enough with your 'captor' to do that does indicate a degree of trust one doesn't normally feel toward one's captor, though. Can you explain why you trusted him?"

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