Chapter 7: Making Magic And The Dungeons

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A little Kolvina for all my Kolvina fans!.....

Davina's POV

"Ugh! Why isn't this working?" I mutter to myself as I repeat the same chant as before. I slam my hands down on the table and try to clear my mind.

"You are not relaxed darling. You need to calm down," I hear Kol say as he walks up behind me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, curious. I feel him move his head over my shoulder and tuck a strand of hair behind my ear that had fallen out of place earlier.

"Just visiting the witch community, being a good citizen," He whispers in my ear and I shiver lightly. I feel him back away and walk towards the other edge of my working table.

"How did you find me?" I ask while walking over to collect more ingredients from my mini hidden garden. I turn to look at Kol reading all my notes. I smirk and continue finding the ingredients.

"Smart girl. You write your spells in a code," Kol smirks at me, with proudness in his voice?

"Uhhh yeah. I can't trust the other girls. Only myself, I'm afraid. Now again, how did you find me?," I ask, again.

"I found you by your...friends. One in particular. What was her name? Mon, Molly, Monique, ah yes, she was quite helpful. She said you spent your time in the woods. I walked around until I could smell your blood," I turned around to find Kol smirking and I rolled my eyes.

Ugh. Could it possibly be anyone but her.

"Hmmm I bet she was helpful," I sarcastically say and walk back to my table.

"Alright. You got my interest peaked. What are you doing darling?" Kol asks and I smirk and continue to work. I hear him walk over to my couch and see him with a pillow on his lap and his head on another.

Great. Make yourself at home.

I continue working for another five minutes, constantly feeling Kol's gaze wander over my body until I've had enough. I push all my notes into my book and slam it shut, locking it up.

"Okay. Stop staring. What do you want? Don't you have other witches to bother. I'm sure Moniwhore would like your attention," I ask, using my nickname for Monique.

"Oooh. I sense witch drama. Tell me more," Kol smirks, intrigued.

Why does he have to look so good when he smirks?

I pull myself together, roll my eyes, and push my book back.

"I haven't heard from you in a week. I had begun to think that I was just being used which hurt my poor soul. So, I came to check upon you. Interesting that I find you alone in an underground basement of an abandoned house. Tell me, home troubles?," Kol questions and I chuckle to myself.

"Even though it's none of your business, I tend to not get along with other witches in my coven. Even my parents. Which is why I convinced them to send me to New York. Being around them feels like being.....chained down. As the next leader, I have to follow all these rules and I hate that. I want to use my magic freely, make crazy spells and just have fun, you know?" I turn to Kol and surprisingly, he nods and listens on.

"I found this place a few years ago and used a spell that locks the basement. Wait, how the hell did you get in?" I turn to him and he smirks, pulling out a key. I can already feel the magic radiating off of it.

"Is that your trick? Having endless dark objects made by your numerous witch girlfriends?" I ask sarcastically.

"Why? Jealous?" Kol asks and I move back to my work.

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