Chapter 42: ...To Be Jolly

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Here's Chapter 42.....

(The Next Day)

Caroline's POV

"Rebekah, you know you don't have to watch over me. I'm perfectly fine on my own," I smile over to Rebekah who's sitting on the other couch in the living room. I place the final "no" ornaments in the boxes and pack them up.

"Oh please, if I leave your sight for a second, my brother will dagger me. I'm watching over you. Plus, I don't mind. I like hanging out with you."

"But I don't want it to feel mandatory," I worry. Rebekah rolls her eyes and smiles.

"Trust me, you'd know if I hated it." I giggle at her words. My hand wraps around my stomach, a usual occurrence now. I rub my tummy carefully, listening to the heartbeat of my baby.

"May I?" I look up to see Rebekah staring directly at my stomach, her voice holding a pleading tone.

"Of course," I warmly smile at her. She stands up, moving quickly over to the couch and carefully places a hand down near mine. A comfortable silence washes over us.

"Have you thought of a name yet?" Rebekah asks. I shake my head no, but I do realize that Nik and I might have to start thinking soon though.

"I have a couple in mind though," I mentioned. "When is Nik going to be back again?"

Rebekah sighs. "Hopefully soon. Did you see how angry he was leaving?"

Nik got told there was a fight breaking out between a few vampires, in front of humans. He left in a hurry, stomping and seething with anger, yelling at Rebekah to look after the baby while he was gone, saying he was going to be back soon. Elijah left soon after to do his usual moping around the wolves territory, a normal thing these past few weeks. He comes back late at night claiming that he's working on new laws for the clans but no one really believes him.


The sound of a knock against the front door pulls Rebekah and I off the couch. I reach for the handle and smile as I see a familiar face standing in front of me with a cute bag and outfit.

"Bonnie, I'm so happy to see you," I shout out, rushing to her and giving her a hug. I feel her hands still before pulling up to my back and returning the hug.

"Caroline, it is good to see you too," She replies, and I scrunch up my face in confusion for a mere second.

When is Bonnie ever this formal?

"Are you okay? Did something happen?" I say, worried. Bonnie shakes her head.

"No, just tired," She replies, giving me a soft smile. "I just wanted to hang out with you. I missed you and with the pregnancy, I thought you could use the extra help."

"Thanks," I smile back at her and welcome her inside. Rebekah looks up towards me, giving me the kind of signal that makes her cautious.

"Hello Rebekah," Bonnie says calmly, nodding. Rebekah returns a slight nod but still stands high and cautious.

"I was hoping we could talk in private," Bonnie turns back to me. "About....boy stuff."

Rebekah grins, looking down at Bonnie before up towards me. "Let's get the good stuff that Nik hides away." I giggle at her words and follow her into the drawing room. Rebekah moves across the room opening a cabinet and taking out two different bottles of alcohol.

"You do know I can't drink any of that?" I remind her and she nods. She holds up one of the bottles showing it's non alcoholic.

"Nik got it for you, in case you wanted to have a somewhat poorly made drink."

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