Chapter 18: Lammas

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Here's Chapter 18. Enjoy....

(1 Week Later)

Davina's POV

"I'm serious Bonnie. I'll meet you at the Mausoleum. I promise," I say, trying to convince Bonnie.

"Are you sure? I'm worried. With everything going on, we're no closer to helping Elena and Care and Hayley. We need to stay united."

"And I'm telling you I'm just doing some new spells. Nothing serious," I lie through my teeth as I move some of the city's birth documents out of the way.

"Okay well, meet me here soon. Your parents are asking for you."

"I will be there soon. Text you when I'm leaving," I huff before hanging up the call and turning back to my desk. Papers were sprawled around with images and birth documents flooding the table like a hurricane had passed through.

"Where are you?" I mutter to myself while reaching around the table and sorting the unorganized mess out.

"C'mon Davina. Think. A packless wolf's daughter doesn't just disappear into thin air," I say to myself.

"...A wolf pack, one of the Labonair's. But no mention of a Mr. Mallen in city records..... Grandma later said she learned he was killed by wolves.....but that's a fatherless girl with a mother..... no mention of the mother.......the girl would be twenty one, turning twenty two....... bluish-green eyes, blond hair..... birthday is the winter solstice," I continue muttering to myself. I get annoyed and rub my head in frustration.

"No girl born on the twenty first has this description. So why does this sound so familiar?" I shout, annoyed at the lack of answers. I check my phone to see a few texts from Bonnie telling me to hurry up, a few from Elena and some from Care on birthday gifts for Bonnie.

Wait. Caroline.

My heart starts beating rapidly as I look over the documents again.

Her birthday is on the 21st. Yet she's not in this pile. She's not in this pile! She fits the description!

"Oh no," I whisper as I look around for the journal.

No one knows. She's a vampire. That will mean...

"I have to go get Bonnie," I realized before grabbing the journal and running towards the stairs. I pull out my phone and hit Bonnie's number.

"Hey Bonnie, I need to tell you something. It's-" I get cut off as I exit the abandoned house, finding around ten people surrounding the house.

"Davina, what is it?"

I turn to see someone exiting the trees, smirking while motioning me to answer. I gulp down the nonexistent air and feel my heart beat increase.

"Nothing. Just want to tell you I'm leaving in twenty. I'll see you soon. Bye," I say, trying to act cool before hanging up the phone and dropping it on the floor to give reassurance.

"Now, what can I do for you, Tyler?"


Bonnie's POV

As Davina ends up the call, I feel my gut twist in every direction. I look over to find Monique and Mrs. Claire talking to each other before Monique looks over to me and smirks. I glare back at her and leave in the direction of Davina's workshop.

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