Chapter 2: Flashback

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I pushed his fist to the side as I knee his stomach then I kicked his head knocking him unconscious

"Was that the last one?" I nonchalantly asked as I put a hand on my waist looking at my surroundings.

"Yes" Tobio answered, my brother Nagisa walked over to me and suddenly put his arm around me

"That's my sister!" He praised "Now they'll never mess with our gang" I said as we walk away.

"Hey I want mochi!"

"We'll buy you lots of mochi" Nagisa says making me excited "Thanks Bro!"

When we arrived home, as my brother Nagisa promised, he brought me 7 mochi.

I turned to the Tv on to watch my favorite action movie, then I sat on the couch while eating the mochi my brother bought.

Third Person's P.O.V

Takemitchi, Mikey and Draken sat on the staircase that was below the shrine as they look up at the sky

"Mikey-kun, Draken-kun may I ask?" Takemitchi says as the two turned to him

"What is it Takemitchy?" Mikey asked with a smile on his face

"About (Y/n)-chan" Takemitchi says making the boy's smile changed into a frown as he narrowed his eyes at Takemitchi "I'm sorry for asking!"

"No it's okay Takemitchy, Mikey and (Y/n) just don't get along" Draken snickered "Because she has the attitude of a demon!" He remarked 

"Achoo!" She rubbed her nose as she continued on eating her mochi

"Takemitchy you should watch over your girlfriend we don't know what that monster would do as you can see-" Draken whacked his head making him stop "You're just saying that because you don't get along" Draken sighed as he shakes his head

"Actually she's the only girl among her siblings and she was always protected and spoiled by her brothers since she was the only girl" Draken explained "But don't worry she's a nice person" He added

"No! She's a mean and an evil girl! I don't even know is she's a human or a gorilla" Mikey says showing a finger as if he was making a point

"How did you know her Mikey-kun?" Takemitchi asked with curious gaze 

"Well it was when we were still kids me and a friend of mine would hang out on the jungle gym"


Mikey sat on top of the bar with Baji below when suddenly there was a fight going on, it wasn't so far from them but they could see that they were ganging up on the little kid who was sitting at the bench.

The kid wore a  red short sleeved hoodie paired with a short pants, the hood was above their head covering their face as the kid reads a book

"I heard this kid just moved here"

"Where did you came from?" The kid asked but he was just ignored

"Is he a foreigner?"  His friend beside him whispered as the kid furrowed his eyebrows angrily

"I don't know he's not talking!" He yelled making his friend took a step back, then a smirk went across his face as he snatched the book from the kids hands making the kid stand up 

"Give it back" He says as he looked at his book which was in the kid's hands that was raised up

"Oh! he speaks just like us!" The kid laughed as he playfully laugh running with the book in his hand

"Hey if you want your book back speak English!" The kid laughs as he ran but then he bumped into Mikey who intentionally blocked his way.

"Hey give the kid back his book" Baji says as he glared at the kid who stood up patting his knees

"Hey! get out of the way!" The kid yells at Baji and Mikey

"You said if I speak English you would give me my book back right?" 

"Yes" He says as he turned behind him but then 

"Fuck you"  the kid was thrown towards Mikey but then he was quick as he dodged as soon as he saw him kicking the kid

The hood fell from his head down to his shoulders revealing his shoulder length (h/c) hair

"Don't you ever dare disturb me got that fucker?" They were shock as they saw the kid's face

"You're a girl?!" They exclaimed as they looked at her wide eyed "What'd ya expect?" She said as she walked towards her book casually picking up the book "Now scram you ugly fuck before I punch the living daylights out of you" She hissed making the kid run away with his friend

Mikey groaned as he stood up glaring at the girl "Hey! didn't you see me standing there? you almost hit me you know!" Mikey irritatedly stated then the girl narrowed her eyes "You were? I didn't see anyone" She shrugged making the boy's vein pop out of his forehead 

"That's funny I guess it must've been your height" She puts a hand on her chin as she closed her eyes nodding to herself "Yes that's right"

"Tsk! I'm even taller than you!" Mikey yell "Well I guess it won't be a problem as soon as I cut your legs off" She said as they started to butt their heads 

"Yeah? Well not if I cut your legs off first" Mikey retorted, Baji who was standing beside Mikey went in the middle as he separated the two "Cut it out you two!" He says as the two glared at each other

"I'm Baji Keisuke and this is Manjiro Sano what's your name?" Baji asked trying to calm the tension between the two

"Why'd you tell her our name Baji we don't know what she'll do!" Mikey whispered not taking his eyes off her

"I'm (Y/n) (L/n)" She introduced as she turned to Baji with a smile "And tell your friend that he's ugly and that he doesn't look good and that he's face looks like a dead rat" The girl says with a smile on her face 

"You're just saying I'm ugly in different ways" Mikey pointed at her 

"Well because you are.. Ahem anyway I have to go, I hope to see you again Baji and I hope to see you never Mikey... Bye loser!" She turned her back as she ran away

End of Flashback

"And since that day she would always hang out with us" Mikey lowly smiled

Meanwhile a loud snore could be heard at the couch, with her left leg up the couch and her mouth open as she snored

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