Chapter 3: Baji

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I got up as I rubbed my eyes, yawning taking off the blanket as I stood up.

"Good morning (Y/n)-chan!" I looked at Nagisa-nii-san as I walked towards the table "What happened last night?" I asked as I yawned "You were watching a movie" Tobio-nii-san answered as he took a sip from his coffee.

"Oh right" I mumbled "Here eat your breakfast" Taka says as he puts the meal in front of me

"I'll be going over to Peh later and then I'm going to visit Mom" I said as I took the spoon now eating the food.

"Do you still have money?" Tobio asked then I looked at him as I shook my head "I'll give you some later" He smiled "Wow! Thanks Nii-san you're the best!" I gasped

Fast Forward, I walked over Peh-yan's house as I knocked three times then the door opened revealing Peh's mother

"Good morning Ma'am" I greeted as I bowed "Oh! If it isn't (Y/n)-chan! Ryohei is in his room with Haruki" She says as she motioned me to enter, I took my shoes off as I stepped inside the house

"Thanks!" I walked toward Peh-yan's room as I knocked "It's me losers!" I said as the door opened revealing the two idiot

"Hey (Y/n)-chan" He greeted as I smiled "What are you guys preparing for?" I asked raising a brow "We have something to do" He said as I sat on his bed "Yeah whatever just be careful okay!" I said

"So how are you?" He asked "Well fine as ever" I shrugged 

"If you come back later call me okay? let's drink some milkshake!" I said as I stood up with my hands in my pocket as I walked out of the door

"Bye losers!" I playfully smiled as I went out of the house waving goodbye to Peh-yan's mom

I walked down the streets whistling as I walked towards the park where we used to hang out, I climbed up the jungle gym as I sighed when I was on the top 

"Hey shorty!" I looked down to see Baji with a smile plastered on his face "Hey loser!!" I smiled as I looked down at him as he climbed up the jungle gym

"Slowpoke" I snickered as he puts his arm around my head ruffling my hair as I groaned trying to break free from his grasp "Get your hands off me!" I yell as he took his arms laughing afterwards, I punched his shoulders

"Ouch! that hurts you know!" He yelled but the idiot just kept on laughing "Are you really a girl or are you boy?" He asked as I whack his head "I'm a girl dzuh!" I sarcastically said as I turned to the side "Kazutora and Mitsuya are the only ones who understands me" I said, I sighed as I looked up

"I wonder how Kazutora is doing now, I wish he's fine" I mumbled as I looked down "If he comes back I'm going to throw a little party for him!" I smiled as I turned to Baji "Let's throw a little welcome party for Kazutora" I cheerfully said as Baji ruffled my hair

"Yeah sure" He mumbled

Baji's P.O.V

I gazed at her face as she kept on planning what she would do if Kazutora would come back, she had this excited face on as she kept on talking.

When did I even fell for her? Oh yeah it was when she kicked the bullies ass when we were still kids and ever since that day we would always see each other sometimes she even go to my house.

"Hey Baji let's go to your house!" I ruffled her hair as I climbed down the jungle gym "Let's go" I said as she jumped down "The last one who get's to your house is a certified asshole!" She yells as she ran "Hey you're cheating!" I yell as I ran after her

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I panted as I clutched my chest "Where's that asshole?" I turn around as I knocked on the door, I looked around checking if he was there

"Looking for someone?" 

"Yes I'm looking for Baji" I faced the person who was talking and saw Baji 

"Hey Asshole" He smirked as I gasped "What?! How!?" I turned to him and turn to the stairs "Did you fly?!"

"I had some shortcuts" He smirked as he opened the door wide "You cheated!" I gasped as I pointed at him with an accusing finger 

"No I didn't!" He retorted "Fine whatever!" I sighed as I went inside, then I saw Baji's Mom 

"Hello Mrs. Baji!" I greeted as I bowed "Hello (Y/n)-chan!" She greeted me with a smile "Sit over there, Keisuke give (Y/n)-chan something to drink!" She commanded as Baji took a mochi with a milk in his hand

"I know you like Mochi a lot and I knew you were gonna come here so I prepared this" Baji said as he handed me the Mochi "Thanks Baji!" I said as I bit the mochi

"(Y/n)-chan how are you?" Mrs. Baji asked as I turned to her "I'm fine" I answered then I drank the milk.

"You're brothers? how are they?" She asked as I sighed "Well they're fine but the other time they were having a fight but it's all fine now!" I said as I took a last bite from the mochi and drank the remaining milk.

"Well that's nice to hear, Keisuke's been worried about you you know?" She said as she smiled

"Mom!" Baji scratched his cheeks as I smirked "Really? Mama Keisuke is worried about me?" I smirked as Mrs. Baji smiled "Yes he was he kept on talking about you again and again" She said as I laugh 

"Mom stop lying you were the one nagging me how she was!" Baji yells his face turning red as we both laughed "I'm just joking Keisuke" Mrs. Baji giggled "Baji is so fun to tease" I said as I poked his cheeks with a teasing look on my face

"Yeah whatever but yes I do admit that I was a bit worried about you" He shyly looked away 

"Ooohh~~" Me and Mrs. Baji cooed 

"That's why I don't want you guys to meet" He sighed as we laughed


Author's Note

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