Chapter 12: When Did I?

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

"(Y/n)-chan" My mother called as soon as she saw me enter her hospital room with a smile plastered on her face, I smiled as I walk towards her bed. "Mama!" I happily lifted the box that I brought  up to her level.

"Happy Birthday!" I greeted as she pick the box off of my hand. "What's this?" She asked tilting her head to the side, I jumped up to her bed, sitting straight. 

"Open it!" excited to see her reaction, I shook her feet as she let out a giggle opening the box and there revealed a little white teddy bear that I made by myself, she look at me and back at the teddy bear. 

"Did you make this by yourself?" She asked pulling my hand that were designed by a bunch of bandaid. I nodded smiling at her. "Taka-nii helped me but I did most of the work!" I smiled, she cupped my cheeks pulling me towards her as she placed a soft kiss on my forehead.

"You're gonna be fine right mom?" I asked trying not to show any sadness in my tone. She looked down for a moment but then later on pinched my cheeks. 

"Yes, Mama's gonna be fine" She replied. The door flung open revealing Nagisa-nii with a bouquet of white rose in her hands. I could see Mom's face lit up as she reached for the rose which my brother Nagisa-nii gave. She took one rose tucking it behind my ear then she smiled.

"My pure and lovely daughter, you look beautiful in white. Can you promise Mama? that you would wear a white dress on my birthday okay?" 


But before her birthday could come she died.

I stood in front of her grave my white satin dress swaying to the side, my hair flying to the side as I tuck one strand of my hair behind my ear. 

"Mama, Happy Birthday" I greeted smiling as I looked at her carved name. Taka-nii was standing silently beside me while Tobio was crying behind me, He was a Mama's boy and ever since Mom died he always cried everytime he remembers her. Nagisa was sitting on the ground looking at Mom's grave.

"Tobio-nii, Mama won't be happy seeing you cry. Stop crying will ya?" I giggled, he looked at me as he sniffled. "I'm sorry, I missed her so much" 

"If I die and you're like this everytime you visit me I'll haunt you in your dreams" I laughed, his eyes widened as he gasped "Don't say something like (Y/n)-chan!" He cried.

He may be a man outside but inside he has the softest heart among us. "I miss Mama too" I looked back down her name. 

"Mama you should take the operation, I don't want you to die" I cried but she just smiled wiping my tears that was flowing down my eyes. "I can't be saved anymore (Y/n). It's too late to get an operation you understand that right?" 

"No I don't!" I held on her clothes as I cried. 

Cruel.. Cruel.. Everything was cruel

"It's time let's go" Nagisa-nii stood up from the ground as he pat his back, we silently followed behind him, I took one last glance at Mom's grave then I look back at Nagisa-nii.

If anyone suffered the most it's Nagisa-nii because he was there when Mom died and he was there when she spoke her last words. But he's trying to show us he was brave enough but I can see that until now he still couldn't move on I mean none of us could.

And ever since then Dad would go on business trips and he would rarely come back.

Third Person's P.O.V

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