chapter 9 spring broke

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mikes POV

The five of us were inside of Blitzo's van. He was singing along with this great song that I actually found awesome. Me and him were bobbing our heads and singing along to the song in unison. Which made Loona smiling at me singing but was also on her phone, Moxxie covering his ears as he pouted angrily, not wanting to hear me and Blitzo's obnoxious singing, and Millie was looking out of the window. As we continued, a car suddenly parked in Blitzo's space.

Blitzo: HOLY SHIT!!! Blitzo turned so hard that the van was sliding to the side and stops. Blitzo got out of the car with rage filling his eyes.

Mike: You guys, ok?

Loona: We're ok.

Millie: Same here.

Moxxie: What the fuck was he thinking?!? I decided to look out and see what was going on. I see Blitzo talking to some tall female demon imp that looked like a pop star. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but whatever it is it's bad. Then we all saw a large Hellhound coming through and threatening Blitzo. I took the message and got my armor on and stood in their way while using a shield.

Mike: Ok! Ok! Knock it off. Lets just back off with resorting to violence.

Hellhound: And who are you? Blitzo smirked and walked proudly next to me while laying his hand on my back.

Blitzo: Verosika, meet my new bodyguard...hell machine.

Mike: Wait! I didn't-

Blitzo: Quiet I need this.

Mike: All because of the parking space? It's not yours. Anyone can park in it. I then turned to see the Hellhound.

Mike: You be wise to put your paws down and I will put my shield down. After a few seconds, he did just that and I put my shield away. I now know the pop star imp is Verosika. She just laughed.

Verosika: Oh please. What can that tin metal do? I felt insulted.

So, I decided to do a little show for them. First, I lift up the car with my right arm and put it down. I then asked Alfrid to scan 3 abandoned buildings. After finding them, I fired a rocket that splits into three and destroyed three buildings. I then turned to see Verosika.

Mike: Who's that? Verosika then huffed.

Verosika: Not bad for a piece of metal. But my bodyguard, Vortex, can tear it apart in no time. But for now, I'm late. Come on Vortex. Tata fuckstain. She and Vortex then walked away back to the building, but not before she gave him the finger.

Mike: Who is that and what was that about her car being stolen? I asked Blitzo as we walked back to the others in the van.

Blitzo: Her name is Verosika Mayday, we used to date. The day we broke up we were in a hotel room and I stole her car and ran three rings, I maxed out her credit cards on horse riding lessons, and left her with the bill for the hotel room with no money to pay for it.

Mike: Really, what did she do deserve that? I asked shocked at the length Blitzo went to. Also her name sounds familiar.

Blitzo: She got too clingy and mushy for my taste. He says nonchalantly.

Mike: That's it?! Why exactly should I take your side in this feud?! I exclaimed disgusted with Blitzo as the others started grilling him about his past relationship.


No one's POV

Everyone was inside the building, heading towards their respected office. Mike was informed that Verosika Mayday was a popstar and that Blitzo once slept with her, which was shocking to Mike and the other 3. But Mike was not focus on that. He was focusing on Loona because she was worried about how she looked and if they saw her. When He bumped into Vortex, she made a sheepish smile and wagged her tail. Seeing this, Mike was developing a strange sensation in his chest. What was it? He couldn't answer as Blitzo got in the way. He was then told that Verosika was moving next door until her business building is back in working order, much to Blitzo's annoyance. Mike looked over at Verosika's studio while Blitzo was freaking out, until Moxxie decided to try and persuade Verosika into giving their parking spot back

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