Chapter Six: Bucky PoV

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AN: Word Count 1712, DOUBLE UPDATE!! Thank you for all the votes and views. Also, a special thank you to its_fine_i_swear, Nobody90999, and _Katerina-Petrova_ for commenting on the last chapter. Thank you to all the people that commented on my other chapters too.
Side note: does anyone know how to get bold or underline or italicize to work?

Steve and I walk to the elevator.

Nico and I were supposed to eat lunch alone, but Steve missed Nico too, and I need him for emotional support. It's 10:59, so Nico should be here soon. I'm so excited that he'll be staying with us on weekends. We have a lot of catching up to do. I can't wait to get to know him again. Steve's also ecstatic. He was close with my little brother, not as close as I was, but close.

How're you doing, Bucky?" Steve asks, leaning against me.
I think for a moment, "I'm happy. Maybe a little confused and still slightly in shock, but happy. I don't know how or why this happened, but I'm really grateful it did,"

"The only explanation I've come up with is that it was Hydra. They probably froze Bianca and Nico and never got around to brainwashing them. Bianca and Nico must have been at an abandoned facility and had someone take them out of Cryo. There's a lot of holes in my theory, but I don't know what other explanation there is," Steve says.

I reply, "Maybe Nico remembers something else,"

Steve shrugs, "At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter,"

"I still can't believe he's grown so much!" I say as we get into the elevator.

"Remember the good old days when he was nine, and we would all play Mythomagic together?" Steve says wistfully.

I remember how Bianca, Steve, Nico, and I used to sit around our dining room table with the card game. My brother was obsessed with it. My brother was so cute when we'd play; he would boss us all around and give us all the worst cards to play, so he'd win, "He loved that game,"

"And he was so good at it!" Steve says.

I sigh as the elevator descends, "I miss the good old days. Now Nico is 14 and has a boyfriend,"

"I still can't believe you didn't know that was legal!" Steve replies.

I told Steve about my conversation with my brother, and he won't let me forget that I didn't know gay relationships are legal. I try to defend myself, "Hey! In my defense, I was busy being brainwashed, regaining my memory, and helping save the world. You at least got to spend time around people that aren't highly trained field agents,"

"Okay, I'll give you a pass," Steve says jokingly.

"I hope we get to meet my brother's boyfriend soon," I admit. I feel bad that someone else got to be there for my brother when I couldn't, "From the way Nico talked about him the other day, he seems like a good person,"

"I hope he is," Steve replies. He puts an arm around my shoulders, seemingly sensing my mixed-up feelings.

I move to change the subject as the elevator gets closer to the lobby. I try a tactful approach hoping Steve won't freak out when I try to broach the issue, "Steve, speaking of dating, I've heard it's been a while since Peggy passed away. I know that was really hard on you, but you need to move on. She lived a long, fulfilling life; now it's your turn,"

"Look who's talking, Mr.-I-haven't-been-in-a-relationship-since-before-WW2," Steve responds, trying to brush me away with a half-baked joke.

"Actually, I'm on a dating app now. Apparently, now technology can even find you a romantic relationship. I'm not sure how online dating will work out, but I also have the SHIELD directory. I'm trying," Steve's my best friend. He deserves a happy life and a future where his entire life doesn't revolve solely around work.

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