Chapter Seven: Bucky PoV

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Finally, the line dies down a little.

"What would you like to order?" The girl at the front asks.

Will answers, "I'll have a Miss Metal Detector, Death boy over there will have a Black Coffee or a Ghost King, and those two will have a Miss Brainiac and a Valdezinator. By the way, I love the names,"

She winks at him, "I chose them. Greek or Roman?"

"Greek," he replies in some sort of code.

At my confused look, she changes the subject, "What name should I put down?"


She looks up, surprised, "Solace?"

"The one and only," Will responds.

"Well, it's an honor to meet you. You've helped my siblings so much,"

Will shakes off her gratitude, "Just helping out. It's my job as a medic,"

"Is that Nico DiAngelo?" she asks, noticing Nico.

Nico looks up and responds, "Yes,"

I have no idea what's happening. The girl seems totally in awe of my brother as she finishes taking our order. We sit back down at our table.

"What exactly just happened?" Steve says, voicing my thoughts.

"Oh, she just knew who we were from camp," Will says.

Nico speaks up, "Our camp is really active, and we learn to swordfight, so kids sometimes get hurt pretty badly. Will has probably helped stitch up one of her siblings at some point,"

How badly are these kids hurt if they have so many scars?

We sit at our table, waiting for our order to be called.

Suddenly, a large group of kids rushes into the shop. Nico stills and clutches his head. His breath becomes ragged.

Will immediately starts whispering to Nico, "You're okay. Deep breaths, remember?"

"It's really tight in here," Nico pants out, "I can't breathe. The jar,"

Nico starts gulping down air frantically. Steve and I are frozen in shock.

Will jumps into action and starts talking in a soothing tone, "It's just a flashback. Deep breaths, remember?"

My brother starts shaking, "I can't breathe," he keeps mumbling in an increasingly scared and frantic tone, "Ican'tbreatheIcan'tbreatheIcan't breathe,"

"I'm here, Sunshine. It's over. Deep breaths, remember?" Will whispers calmly while hugging my brother.

Tears start leaking from my brothers eyes, "Ican'tbreatheIcan'tbreatheIcan'tbreathe,"

"You're out, remember?" Will keeps on whispering until Nico's breathing evens out again and he opens his eyes.

I finally break from my trance, "What just happened?!"

Steve picks a more tactful approach, "Nico, do you have PTSD?"

Nico, still steadily taking deep breaths, looks up but doesn't meet my gaze, "I have a lot of things,"

Our order is called just then. We all go to get our drinks together. When Nico tries to pay with a couple of bills from his pocket, the cashier swats his money away.

"I can't accept your money. All of us that work here are part of the 'make Nico's life easier' pact. We signed a document,"

Nico raises his eyebrow, "The what?!"

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