Chapter Fifteen: Nico PoV

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AN: Last chapter! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! Thank you to everyone who made it this far. I'm thinking of publishing a sequel, but that's a long time away. If/When I publish a sequel, I'll post an announcement on my profile to my followers. In the meantime, I'm taking requests for bonus chapters! 

"I now call the 1,089,650,023,881st Annual Death Gods Conference to order," My father declares, banging a bone-shaped gavel against the table.

All of the death gods from the different pantheons have gathered. We're sitting at a round table; I'm next to my dad and Hecate. I shadow traveled in a little early, so my father introduced me to a few of the others. Osiris and Anubis were late, so Anubis and I haven't really met. I guess we'll have plenty of time to be acquainted when we're busy sharing a body.

I want this. I mutter the words over and over, willing them into reality. I don't have any other option. My brother thinks I'm a monster. At least in the Underworld, I'm not the only one. I squeeze my quill so tight it almost breaks and unroll a papyrus scroll in preparation.

Hades continues, "Hecate will keep the premises secure. My son and heir, Nico, shall take minutes. We'll begin with any unresolved issues from the past year."

The meeting goes on for hours and hours as we sift through seemingly meaningless problems. I've already gone through 30 papyrus scrolls (donated by the Egyptians), and I'm getting hand cramps.

My ADHD's started acting up, and I start tuning out the boorish bits of conversation. The other gods have no such problems. Hel's in a shouting match with the Hindu goddess, Kali, over how many plastic bags a death god should own at a time, and the others are watching with rapt attention.

"You're a hoarder, and you know it!" The Hindu goddess screams.

Hel gasps, an affronted look splayed across her features, "You dare! All of my belongings are essential. In any case, what does it matter to you?"

"It's interfering with your duties. You stole the man's plastic bag, and you know it!" Kali shoots back.

"It was my bag!"

"You have enough plastic bags!"

"One can never own too many plastic bags!" Hel cackles maniacally, clutching a Walmart bag to her chest protectively.

My father interrupts, "Ladies, ladies, can we please put this matter to rest? It is Hel's right to run her afterlife as she pleases. She has every right to take plastic bags from her subjects. Thank you, Kali, for bringing this matter to our attention, but it's now been resolved, so if you could please drop it."


Hades sends the goddess a glare, "Let it go."

Kali sulks but drops it. I finish writing up the affair and roll up another completed scroll.

"I believe that was the last unresolved matter on the list," my father announces, and I breathe a sigh of relief, "All we have left to do are the announcements."

The gods go around sharing the trials and tribulations of their various pantheons. Some share new laws or additions to their respective underworlds. Others share personal news. A couple of death gods from mesoamerican pantheons announce that they've recently started a YouTube channel. My dad goes last.

Hades stands and motions for me to join him, "I've recently decided to name an heir. My son, Nico, has begun training to become a death god and will eventually assume my role. He's already racked up a long list of accomplishments, and I feel confident he'll make a worthy addition to our group."

Osiris stands up, "To bring the Greek and Egyptian pantheons closer together, we've offered to help train Nico," Osiris motions for Anubis to join him, "Nico will host Anubis. Anubis and Nico will remain merged until Nico has been deemed strong enough to assume a permanent role in the Underworld."

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