Chrono's 36th Birthday (TFV)

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It's September 9 and it's Chrono's 36th birthday. The day before his birthday, Tokoha and her kids are planning to surprise him. Tokoha asked her friends as well to help her out with the surprise....

The plan is Tokoha and the kids will pretend that they forgot his birthday. Then, the kids will go to Card Capital 2 to play with their friends, while Tokoha will go to Shion's mansion...

Chrono woke up at 9 AM, he really pushed himself at the gym yesterday since he has to be in shape before he goes back to Cray next week...

Tokoha: "Kids, you better be ready okay?"

Ryoma: "Okay!"

Haruko: "I can't wait for tonight!"

Chrono: "Good morning!"

Tokoha: "Good morning!" (Kissed his cheek)

Ryoma: "Alright, we'll go to Card Capital now!"

Haruko: "See you later!"

Tokoha: "Be careful you two."

Ryoma and Haruko: "Yes!"

Chrono: "They're going already?"

Tokoha: (Giggles) "Well, looks like they're having fun playing Vanguard."

Chrono: (Smiling) "Yeah... by the way..."

Tokoha: "Hm?"

Chrono: "Uhm... do you know what day it is today?"

Tokoha: "Today? It's Saturday..."

Chrono: "No... not that, I mean today's date...."

Tokoha: "Date huh? September 9.... oh my god! I almost forgot..."

Chrono: "Well?"

Tokoha: "I have to go Kumi's house... Chrono, can you take care of the house when I'm not here?"

Chrono: "Eh? But..."

Tokoha: "I'll leave it to you, Chrono.... I'm going now!"

Chrono: "Tokoha...." What was that?

Chrono can't believe that Tokoha and the kids didn't say a word today... his birthday. Even though he remembers their birthday. He feels so sad but maybe later at night, they will remember...

A couple of hours, he took a walk and then he met someone. It's none other than his eternal rival and best friend, Shion.

Chrono: "Shion..."

Shion: "Hm? Oh Chrono..."

Chrono: "It's such a surprise to see you here..."

Shion: "Well, I don't know why but I wanted to go here..."

Chrono: "I see..."

Shion: "Hm? What's wrong, Chrono? You didn't look too happy."

Chrono: "Well, a little bit but..."

Shion: "Mind to share it with me?"

Chrono: "Maybe not this time but probably later on, I'll tell you."

Shion: (Smiling) "Okay then..."

Shion actually knew what he meant... because he's also a part of the plan. He asked him what happened because he didn't want Chrono to be suspicious of him...

Chrono: "Anyway, I'm going to have lunch... you're coming?"

Shion: "I'd love to but I have something that I need to take care now..."

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