Roman + Chair (Prinxiety)

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I'm bored and this is funny so I wanted to do it, I promise I'll write a longer story by tomorrow- I mean later *laughs in it's 2:57 in the morning and will be later by the time I'm done with this* also  I have a prompt that I could try and make its own story if I tried hard enough, would you guys like me to try and make a actual story instead of just a bunch of Oneshots? Let me know if you'd want that, or if you want to see the prompt first before deciding?
Anyway onto the story!
Warnings- swearing, mention of blackmail(?), uh I think that's it
Roman was rehearsing for a play he had signed up for, but for one of the scenes he had needed to stand on a chair (what play Is this? ✨No one {that's writing this AKA me} knows✨) so he asked Virgil to get him a chair and stay with him Incase he fell, the stage he was on was pretty hard, so he had been practicing with Virgil watching incase he needed help but Virgil had gone to the bathroom once and when he came back roman had his leg stuck in the chair
R- oh hey Virgil.
V- What-
R- shut up. I wanna do something I've seen on tv.
V- ok?
Roman cleared his throat
R- now, you may be asking, "how did you do this to yourself, Roman?"
V- Yes! I left for like 5 minutes-
R- well kids, roman has no fucking clue either.
Virgil started laughing and crying from the amount he was laughing
V- I'm- so- so glad- there's cameras- in here
He had to stop to breathe from laughing so much in-between words (AKA the "-" things)
R- wait there is?
V- y-yes
R- oh god-
V- Logan has control of them.
R- oh shit-
V- I'm going to get the footage.
Virgil started to turn towards the door knowing roman couldn't get to him quickly because of the chair, and ran to Logan who had just so happened to be in his office, with the cameras and laughing at Roman still trying to get out of the chair knowing Virgil was coming
V- Logan, can I have the footage of the camera?
L- yea, that was hilarious here
Logan hands Virgil a flash drive with the footage on it just as Roman runs in the room and saw Virgil with the flash drive
R- Virgil. No. Logan why would you give that to him?!
L- it was funny and he wanted it so I gave it to him
V- I won't do anything with it, unless I need blackmail on you
R- please don't.
V- on one condition will I give it back to logan and not do anything with it.
R- what is it? I'll do almost anything
V- Cuddles and a movie later, and a kiss?
R- Fine
V- wait really?
R- yea? Why wouldn't I?
V- oh I dunno, I just threatened you with embarrassing footage?
R- as long as you don't do anything I don't care
Roman went over to Virgil and kissed him, Virgil happily retuning the kiss, Virgil tossed the flash drive back to Logan, once they pulled apart they went back to the theater room for Roman to continue rehearsing, not getting stuck in the chair again thanks to Virgil helping him
This started as no ship. And now it's prinxiety. How- don't ask- I don't even know but uh yea- I'm listening to the heaters musical playlist on Spotify- and it's 5:03- I need Help- school starts in a few days- I can't keep doing this- and telling me what you think about the book I mentioned in the beginning would be greatly appreciated, anyway have a great day/night Guys, Gals, and fellow non-binary pals! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖

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