~The Gardener Boy~ (Roceit)

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Eeeeeeeeeee we love finding fanfic prompts on YouTube vids- I found this on OneTopic's channel, if you watch him, your a god/goddess and should be my friend :) extra points if you watch The Click aswell

Anyway- side rant over- onto the story-

Roman pov
"No, I'm sorry, I'm not going to marry you Eliza" I said, repeating it for what feels like the 50th time
"T-that's fine, have a nice day Roman" she bowed and left, she looked like she was crying as she ran, whatever, she's proposed to me so many times she should know I don't like her, I don't like any girl, let alone a royal girl, Eliza is a princess from a another kingdom, I'm the prince of mine, she thinks we're perfect, if faking love is perfect, then I don't want to be perfect

I flop down onto my bed and turn my head towards my balcony, is that another rose? I've been getting red and yellow roses for a while, I haven't told anyone but my brother speaking of Remus- "Oi Roman, get another proposal from Eliza again?~" he says as he laughs, I sigh and nod "I also got another yellow rose, do you see anyone putting roses on my balcony ever?" Maybe he saw something? "Nope! I heard dad got a new gardener though, we do have red and yellow roses in the garden now, just like those" a new gardener? "I'm going to go talk to him then" I start to walk out of my room, Remus runs past me determined to beat me out of my room, I sigh and laugh and head downstairs

After a short talk with dad, we have a new gardener, His name is apparently Janus, dad said he started a week ago, that's when I started getting the roses, hm, maybe I should talk to him, I did want to take a walk through the garden today

As I walk through the garden I see a guy, planting yellow roses just like the one on my balcony "Hey" I say as I get to where he was, he looks back, I notice he has some realistic scales on his face, I wonder if they're real? He stands and bows when he sees me "Hello prince Roman" I just laugh at him bowing, he looks confused when I start laughing "What's so funny?" He asks, I also think I see a tinge of pink on his face "Nothing, nothing, it's just- you don't need to bow, I've never liked that 'bow to royalty' thing, and no need to be so formal, just a simple 'hey' would suffice" bowing to royalty is stupid, we're no better then anyone else, we don't need special treatment just because we're royalty "oh, then hey, I'm Janus" "Roman, obviously, hey, uhm, are those scales real?" I say, hoping it's not rude "Oh uh yea, it's weird but I was born with them, everyone's always made fun of me because of them, I try to hide them with makeup but working in a garden, makeup doesn't really work" so they are real, cool "That's really cool, they make you look like a snake, I've always found snakes really cool" I look at him as I say that, the tinge of pink turns into a small blush "oh- uhm, thanks, no one's ever actually complimented them" "Really? Wow, well, there is your first compliment, from a prince, you've earned all bragging rights" he laughs, I smile, god, his laugh is amazing, oh god damn it, I've fallen in love with the gardener boy- "I'd definitely be using those, if I had friends to brag to" "you don't have freinds?" "Nope, everyone has always thought I was weird or creepy because of my scales, and I've never really had time for freinds, I've always been working to help my parents out, this is the best job I've got in a while" "I could get you a better job if you need it" "eh, I enjoy this job" oh right, I was supposed to ask him something "I forgot I came here for something, I saw you were planting those yellow roses, I've been finding them and red roses on my balcony for about a week, have you been putting them there?" His face turned an almost bright red and he turned away "uhm, no" "you know your a horrible liar, blushing is usually not a thing you do when you tell someone you haven't been secretly placing flowers on their balcony" "Ok ok fine, I did, but I got help from your guards too, they've been helping boost me up to the balcony" I just sigh and laugh "of course they did, the guards are the only ones besides my brother that knows I'm gay, One of them has been trying to set me up with cute boys she sees for like months-" "Well, seems like they've finally succeeded"

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