~Cuddles~ (Remy X Virgil)

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I'm so creative with my titles aren't I? 🙄

Lmao anyway

I've been following this account on Tumblr since I got it and all the prompts are so cute- unless it's angsty- but no matter cute or angsty, they're really good and I definitely plan on writing more with their prompts

You guys should definitely go follow them if you write or want to write and have Tumblr

Anyway, enough fan girling, or- fan personing?- that's definitely not a word- whatever lmao, onto the story!

TW- cursing, I think that's it

Occasionally, when Virgil is especially sleep-deprived, Remy appears behind him and then disappears just as quickly, taking Virgil with him. The other Sides have learned not to question this. They don’t know exactly where Remy goes, and neither Remy nor Virgil will tell them, but wherever it is they’re going, Virgil comes back hours later much less exhausted. Roman eventually decides he'll follow them next time

Right now Thomas and everyone but Remy was hanging out, they were playing a game, Virgil hadn't bothered playing because he was, especially sleep deprived, so he knew Remy would be there soon, ro wasn't playing either, wanting to be able to follow Virgil and Remy

A few minutes later Remy rises up behind Virgil, they both sink out together

R- I'll be back guys
T- alright bye Roman

Roman sinks out to Virgils room, he sees Remy cuddling Virgil and Virgil slowly falling asleep, but Virgil saw Roman and quickly jolted awake

V- what the hell Roman?! Get out of my room! Did you fucking follow me?!
R- Calm down, jesus, I just wanted to see where you guys went, your always leaving with him when your tired
Re- can I not help my boyfriend sleep when he hasn't been sleeping well?
R- boyfriend?
V- remyyyyy- I didn't tell them that-
Re- well to bad
Virgil just buries his head in Remus shoulder and Remy laughs
R- your dating?
Re- why else would I just randomly take him to his room and cuddle him?
R- I didn't think Virgil would date anyone, I thought he'd be to anxious
V- one, rude- two, I didn't start the relationship, he asked if I wanted to date him and I said yes after a lot.of convincing that he wasn't pranking me or something- 
Re- yea it took a while- now can you go so he can sleep, he doesn't like sleeping around people unless he fully trust them
R- that actually makes a lot of sense- I e never seen him sleep- yea sorry I'll leave
Re- and don't tell anyone
R- I won't

Roman goes back to everyone, Virgil eventually falls asleep with Remy, hours later, coming back to the others, just like always

That was kinda short but I hope it's good- I also have a lot of things I'm working on/want to work on but I have like zero motivation- mostly cus I know these are bad and I don't know how to make them better- so if you guys have anything to help me make these better, I'd love for you to tell me
Anyway, I hope you have a great day/night guys, gals and non-binary pals!

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