Special Place - Daniel Ricciardo

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I stepped into the back of the ambulance, hiding from the sun shining down at the Circuit of the Americas.

I stood in the medical tend, hiding from the sun shining down at the Circuit of the Americas. It was the final day of race weekend and I was more than excited when the company I work with contracted me for this job. I inherited a love of motorsports from my dad and I was not going to pass up an opportunity to see the fastest cars in the world up close.

It was midway through the race when, just few dozen yards from me, a car slams into the side barrier at high speeds. I wait for the dust to dissipate when I see that it's Daniel Ricciardo, thankfully showing movement.

I jump into high gear, knowing that the Aussie driver would soon make his way to the tent to be checked out.

Within seconds, race crew reached him as he hoisted himself out of his vehicle, seemingly okay after the big crash. With his helmet on, he was escorted to the medical tent.

He took off his helmet and gloves, his hair damp with sweat and his chest bouncing quickly from the adrenaline. "Hi, I'm Daniel," he said kindly, reaching out his hand.

"Y/n, nice to meet you," I enchanted as I took his hand. His firm grip fit perfectly into my delicate hands. We gazed into each other's eyes for a moment, before I coughed, knowing I had a job to do.

"Okay, I'm going to do a few basic check ups, just follow along and you'll be fine," I said, grabbing my gloves from a side table. "You can have a seat right up on that cot and take off your suit just till your waist please." I turned around, getting my medical bag and laying it out next to me.

I ran through the basic checks, breathing, lung sounds, blood pressure, etc, etc. Finally, I took my little flashlight and shined it into Daniel's chocolate brown eyes, asking him to look up and down. Moving the light to the corner of his eye, I asked him to look the other way. Instead, he kept looking straight at me. "No, not at me, that way," I pointed. The boy sure was persistent. As my frustrations increased, I got flustered, which he found amusement in.

"You can't expect me to not look at you when you're that close to me," he said with a flirty smirk on his face.

I immediately blushed, looking away for a moment before resuming my task. "Just, look that way, please," I said, flustered. And with that, he did.

As soon as I turned my flashlight off, Daniel's eyes went straight back to me. I went over to my computer, inputting some notes, and took off my gloves.

"Okay, now I'm going to check your neck. Just straighten your back and stay still." Daniel stiffened, lifting his chin to give me easy access. I felt around his throat, feeling for any stiffness or knots in the muscles. I moved behind him, but as soon as I did he turned his head, following me with his gaze.

"No, no," I giggled, "keep your head forward." I waited for him to turn but he didn't.

And still, Daniel's eyes were on mine. I would look away occasionally, pretending like I was checking for something, but every time I looked back he was still there.

Gently, I touched his chin, moving it forward. He resisted, turning it straight back. I smirked, "Okay, what do I have to do to make you look forward for 10 seconds?"

Daniel thought for a second, breaking eye contact for the first time. His large hand brushed against his light stubble, his accentuated eyebrows fixed in a puzzled manner.

Finally, he had his wish. "Go out with me."

I paused, instantly stunned by his very forward answer. I looked at him, trying to see if he was joking, and, he wasn't. Seeing as how I needed to do my job and he was pretty cute...

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