Maxiel - Daniel Ricciardo

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warnings: semi-public sex (as usual) praise kink, pain? kink, slight choking, language, dirty(ish) talk, masturbation, nicknames, ehm yeah

2.7k words

Your and Daniel's sex life was anything but boring.

You were both adventurous and spontaneous which led to some pretty wild sexual stories, like the time he fucked you minutes before he had to go onto the podium, or the time you gave him a handjob under the table at some boring fancy dinner. He always made sure you were comfortable and vice versa. So it came to no surprise to you when, in the middle of the long flight home from a race (on Max's private plane might you add) he had seemingly innocently grabbed your thigh and kneaded the flesh between his fingers.

Excitement immediately bubbled throughout your body, but you knew you couldn't go any further, you were sat only a few seats away from Max who was the only other person on the plane. You shot a warning glance in Daniels's direction and continued to flick through the magazine in your hand. You heard your boyfriend sigh deeply next to you, his hand beginning to trail up your thigh and you couldn't help but peek down at his tattooed hand.

Daniel had recently found out that his tattoos had an effect on you and ever since then he wouldn't let it go, using it to his advantage while teasing you and once again he had succeeded. A grin spread wide on his face as he watched your head fall back on the headrest, your lips parted and a content sigh left them, urging Dan to continue his movements. "See i knew you wanted this, princess" he whispered into the crook of your neck.

You pushed his face away from you with your hand and grimaced when he licked a bold stripe up it. "We can't have sex when your best friend is sat practically right behind us!" you scolded, rubbing your hand across your jeans to rid yourself of his saliva.

"I didn't say it had to be here" he shot back.

You rolled your eyes at him, "I wouldn't put it past you."

Daniel laughed at your remark and sat up in his seat, sparing a glance in Max's direction who had big headphones covering his ears and seemed to be sound asleep, curled up in his seat.

Daniel didn't give you any time to argue, instead, he grabbed your hand and led you towards the small, cramped bathroom. "Are we really joining the mile hile club right now?" you teased as he pushed you onto the small counter.

Your back pressed against the mirror, the coolness causing goosebumps to rise all over your body."You really need to learn how to shut up sometimes, sweetheart" Daniel muttered and you smirked at his words.

"Make me"

It was so cliche, but it worked and Daniel crashed his lips against yours, your head was pushed back into the mirror and the slight pain that erupted at the contact was pushed away by the feeling of pleasure. His hands began roaming your body, something that you usually loved but found pointless at that very moment. You grabbed his hand, halting its path into your underwear and placed his fingers into your mouth.

You looked up at him with wide eyes and to your surprise, he scoffed at you."Don't act all innocent when I'm literally about to fuck you into oblivion with my best friend right outside the door"

"Into oblivion? That's a big promise" you teased. You knew it was a blow to his ego but it always resulted in the most intense, pleasurable sex.

"You really think right now is the best time to be a brat?" he reasoned. God, he was so hot when he was angry.

You grabbed his chin with your hand and pulled his face closer to you, his hands came to rest on the counter on either side of your body. "I just think you need a reality check, love, that's all" you shrugged.

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