Damiano - Bet

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She's back!

i accidentally published the rough notes for the layout of this story for an hour but everyone is in an opposite time zone to me so barely anybody read it lol oopsy daisies

Anyway, this is a request!

"its like angst where mc is ethans sister and damiano's girlfiend and after a fight with him and the whole band she leaves and cuts everyone off, including ethan and maybe she meets them again months later, not knowing they were looking for her and agrees to try and make it work again"

Thank you for bearing with me during the long wait, I really appreciate it!

I don't think there's any TW specifically, maybe just fighting and angst kinda stuff


It was natural.

You kept repeating those words to yourself as you were attempting to calm down.

Your older brother Ethan had been spending more and more time with his bandmates. It was natural that he spent so much time with his band mates . It was natural.

You loved his bandmates, especially the lead singer. You had played it cool, tagging along to their rehearsals and meetings. It felt so natural to be around them, and for the longest time, you had been included. Then one day, what felt like out of the blue Damiano had called you and asked you out.

At first you thought he was kidding. He sounded drunk, slurring his words. But the next day, after his hangover had subsided he picked you up to take you on the first date.

That night it felt like it was rushed, so you had spoken together and agreed to take it slow.

It took you both a while to navigate your new relationship but soon it felt natural, natural with him, natural with the bandmates. It was like you were a small family, destined to be together.

Things were starting to change, or perhaps you were only becoming more aware now that you were closer with all of them, that they had been hanging out without you.

At first it stung a little bit, but it was natural. They were making music, they were constantly rehearsing, it was natural that they instinctually hung out together.

You also recognised that in adult relationships you didn't all need to be present to hang out together. They didn't expect to join your shopping trips with Vic, or your date nights with Damiano. You didn't need to be with them when they were doing band things.

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