Damiano - "You Never Loved Me."

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Short chapter!

I know you all love the long chapters but I think I might post a few short ones inbetween just so I can post more frequently!

If you don't like the short ones let me know, be honest x


You had always loved Damiano and Victoria's relationship. You thought it was beautiful how close and comfortable they were with each other.

Damiano always loved how easygoing you were, that you respected their relationship and never felt threatened by the close nature of it.

You loved how the other boys had basically become your brothers, especially Thomas who had a soft spot for you. You often joked if it didn't work out with Damiano that you'd get married, platonically of course.

Damiano loved how easily you fit into the group, you had met randomly one day. You were both at a bar, he was there to drink but you were working for the musicians who were singing live. It was a favour, but that night felt like fate.

Your camera was like an extension of your arms, it was always safely clasped in your hands, secured with a strap around your neck.

You loved taking photos, especially of your handsome boyfriend.

You were waiting backstage, they were minutes away from playing one of their biggest venues yet. You checked the settings on your camera once more, ensuring it was ready to go.

Damiano had begged that you'd be their photographer on the road, but you had refused. There was an age-old saying to never mix business with pleasure, you could never imagine something going wrong between the two of you but you knew that saying existed for a reason.

You had agreed to go on tour with them, but only as an emotional support. You were working freelance for yourself, gaining an income from your website and social medias.

"Ten minutes till curtains up!" Jack spoke, making you jump in your spot.

You let out a laugh, thanking him.

He was one of the stage managers, you had tried to get to know some of the crew but it was generally pretty chaotic backstage.

You found yourself looking through your pictures. You had some beautiful shots of the cities you had been exploring, but taking photos of people had always been your passion.

There was something so beautiful about capturing a single moment for forever. You stared at one of Damiano lying on the bed. He was half changed into his concert outfit, but had dramatically thrown himself on the bed when he couldn't find the top half of the outfit.

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