First Note

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(Jameel) It was the next afternoon were all sitting here drinking our tea and powerade eating breakfast nobody has anything to say we just saw our teacher and bus driver dead bodies that's something I will never forget and this Note Always watching no eyes none of us will survive what kind of Fuck up shit is this who would do this what's going on here.

(Trevon) We have to get out of here we have to find a car or something and drive out of here

(Eva) That's a good plan tre but who do we find one

(Trevon) I don't know but we have to try

(Marcus) I can't do this man I don't want to die I CAN'T DIE! I HAVE A BABY COMING IN 9 MONTHS !

(Jameel) Marcus calm down your not going to die ok nobody is going to die just sit down and calm down

(N) Jameel trys to calm Marcus down ignoring the part about him having a baby in 9 months but Marcus swings fast and punches Jameel in the face knocking him to the floor

(Michael) Bro Marcus chill out

(Trevon) Hey don't start this stupid shit again you remember what happened last time when Jameel beat yo Ass so calm the Fuck down man

(Marcus) No Fuck that! im tired of him thinking he's mister caption save everyone always trying to play the hero! Im going to put him in his place here and now

(Jameel) Oh Really you're going to put me in my place hahaha ok Marcus lets go

(N) Jameel spit Blood on the floor Michael and Trevon move out the way blocking everyone so nobody jumps in

(Kayla) Come on guys don't do this were all friends here don't fight

(Trevon) Its to late for that they weren't even friends really you can try and stop them but if you try to jump in and stop the fight I will stop you cause they probably might end up killing you so just stay back

(Kayla) Fine but this isn't right

(Trevon) I know but just watch ok

(N) Marcus charges at Jameel and swings wild throwing left and rights but can't hit Jameel, Marcus start to sweat

(Jameel) My Turn

(N) Jameel dodges Marcus left punch as he jump in the air hitting Marcus with a High knee to the face making his nose bleed then punches him in the stomach, Marcus falls holding his stomach then Jameel grabs his head and puts his knee in his face again then picks him up on his feet rapidly punching his faces and chest, Marcus face was bloody and beaten but before Jameel could finish him Michael, Trevon, scott and Tori Grabs and holds Jameel Down

(Michael) That's enough Jameel let him go

(Jameel) No let me go I'll kill him I swear he's dead do you here me you piece of Shit your Dead!

(Scott) No Jameel you have to calm down

(Trevon) Marcus Run Now!!! While were holding him down

(Jameel) Don't you dare try to run your mine were going to finish this here and now remember!

(N) Marcus opens the door about to leave but he says something before he leaves

(Marcus) Oh yeah Jameel I had sex Eva this morning when everyone was still sleeping we been sleeping together ever since yall started dating she didn't want to tell you but I thought you should know

(Ashton) wait he said he was having a baby in 9 months so Eva is pregnant with Marcus baby

(Eva) Marcus why would you tell everyone this wasn't supposed to happen

(N) In Rage Jameel Sat his head down on the floor hiding his tears he bit his lip making it bleed then Marcus ran laughing while his face was driping with Blood scott got off Jameel the shut and lock the door Michael Trevon and Tori let go and let Jameel get up

(Jameel) Eva is what he true

(Eva) Jameel you have to believe me it wasn't supposed to be like this please forgive me

(N) Jameel Punch the wooden wall putting his whole fist in it then pull his fist out giving Eva a evil stare then he turn his head walking out the back door slaming the door Michael and Trevon went with him they couldn't even look at Eva the same

(Trevon) Scott look after everyone

(Scott) Don't worry me and Tori well take care of everything

(Eva) Ashton im so sorry

(Ashton) How could you Jameel love you more then anything and anyone he was going to ask you marry him he even brought the ring he was going to surpise you tonight with it now look what you did I hate you Eva! (Punches eva)

(Tori) Ashton calm down don't waste your time on her she's nothing

(N) Eva Crys and runs to her room knowing everyone hates her to death now for what she did.

(Marcus) I Should be good here for a little break if I keep running I should be able to find a ride or at least a town or house im hungry now

(???) Oh you're Hungry how about I feel you some of this

(Marcus) What the hell wha-What are you

(N) Marcus was pierced in the chest by two knifes and one in the head the mystery man then started cutting Marcus chest open riping his heart out putting it in his pocket then walks away into the shadows.

(Jameel) I can't you guys I just can't believe she would do this to me I gave her everything and did everything for her and she cheats on me with him out of all people I never done anything wrong to her so why me

(Michael) Its ok bro Don't worry about it let it out

(Trevon) Yeah Just let it all out Yeah thats really messed up what she did you don't deserve that but look you have to snap out of it remember their is a Killer around they killed Ms snow and Mr. Jones we need to get back to the cabin then wait till the next morning and try to find our way out of this hell hold

(Jameel) Your right lets get back Tori probably got everyone High

(N) A loud scream was coming from the cabin Jameel, Michael, and Trevon Ran back to the cabin the back door was cut in half they walk in and saw Tori, scott, Ashton, Jasmine on the floor with cuts on them bleeding they were past out Eva was in the cornor screaming

(Jameel) Eva stop screaming (Slap) what happened

(Eva) He came in and started slicing everyone then he took Sarah

(Trevon) What! Where did he take her

(Eva) The Bathroom

(N) Trevon runs to the bathroom and opens the door his eyes open wide and he falls to his knees

(Trevon) Noooooo

(N) What he saw was Sarah body in the cornor only the top part of her body was their the bottom part was gone the bathroom was full of Blood and their was another Note it said Leave me Alone

(Michael) Where is Kim

(Eva) A huge man came after the short guy left after he killed Sarah and the huge man drag Kim with him

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