I Will Protect You This Is The End

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(Kayla) I'm sorry Jameel I wanted to be with you till the end but I guess I would have been in your way if I would have tried your always so nice and sweet to me even when I hurt you was always their for me I'm very thankful that I meat you and the others I will never forget you

(N) As Kayla was on the highway driving she sees blue and red lights behind her she pulls over and 2 police cars drives past her

(Kayla) Wait their driving to the direction where the cabin is I should go back but most likely Jameel fight with slenderman is probably over I should keep going till I go to the police station just in case

(N) Mean while back at the cabin Jameel and slenderman was staring at each other seeing who will strike first Jameel swings with a left punch but slenderman dodges it and uppercuts him in the stomach then punches Jameel multiple times in the face then kicks him threw a tree

(Jameel) I knew it would be tough trying to fight him but I made a promise I cant just give up like this so bring It on Demon this will be your last

(N) Slenderman disappears behind Jameel but quickly he turns around pulling out his pistol shooting Slender in the face put 4 bullets in his head taking his head off

(Jameel) I did it its finally over damn my body feels like it's been hit by a truck wait something feels weird if slenderman is demon then 4 bullets shouldn't have

(N) And right before Jameel could finsh thinking something hit him in the head knocking him 30 meters away from the cabin he was on the ground coughing up blood

(Jameel)I knew it wasn't over yet what the hell he's different. So Slenderman is this your true form or something

(Senderman) Yes It is congratulations you made me so angry I have to transform into this form to kill you and I can't wait to rip out your heart and eat it while I drink your blood from your skull

(Jameel) Ok but that's not going to happen cause your the one who is going to die by my hands

(Slenderman) Oh Really well how are going to kill me without your weapon

(Jameel) How the? When did you take my gun

(Slenderman) Like I said your going to die but I won't kill you easily no I want to torture you first like this

(N) Slenderman pulls out 4 white tentacles and one of them had Jameel's gun Slenderman pull the trigger shooting Jameel in the legs then shooting him in the arms, shoulders then his stomach

(Slenderman) Out of bullets oh well I mean look at you now helpless I can't believe you didn't scream or cry when I was shooting you I'm amazed well not really

(N) Slenderman walks to closer to Jameel then out of know where a black police car comes and runs over slenderman

(Jameel) what the Who is that

(N) A figure came out the car running to Jameel trying to tell him something

(Jameel) who is that

(Kayla) Jameel get up come on we have to hurry

(Jameel) Kayla what why are you here why did you come back

(Kayla) Your welcome you know at least you could thank me for coming back but their some police coming they were right behind me but thank god I got here first or you'll probably be dead

(Jameel) Yeah your probably right thank you

(N) As Kayla and Jameel walk to the car before they could get to it the car blew up and something was walking out the flames a white pale demonic creature with razor sharp teeth and a long venomous snake tongue.

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