Jeff And Slenderman

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(N) Jameel opens the letter and reads it. It says if anyone gets this letter you have to get out of their as fast as you can never look back if you do he will be their his name is slender man he hunts at night but he has a friend name Jeff Jeff The Killer they killed all my friends and family and its just me Alone. Slenderman man took them to his cave its full of pictures im guessing slender man draws on the walls with the Blood of the people he killed buy anyways I found a way to kill him but Its risky you have to get piece of slender man body and inject it in your body if you survive you will have the power to kill him but who knows if it works or not well that's all Oh yeah jeff is just a human you can kill him easy just don't let him have any blades or your dead please who ever is reading this please avenge all the people they killed.

(Tori) So we just have to get a piece of his body that's going to be difficult

(Scott) No Shit but the thing is how are we going to do it and who is going to do it

(Jameel) I'll do it

(Michael) No I'll do it

(Jameel) No im doing it

(Michael) No your not im not going to let you get you're self killed

(Jameel) I don't care I'll take responsabilty and cut a piece of his body off and inject it in my self

(Michael) Who knows if it will work or not you could die your still badly hurt don't worry about I'll take charge and get the piece you can't save everyone alone so just lay back let me lead ok

(Jameel) Fine you win

(N) Eva walks up to Jameel and grabs his hand

(Eva) Jameel can I talk to you please

(N) Jameel looks at her and stabs her hand

(Jameel) I already told you I never want to talk to you ever again don't come to me with that Bullshit. Im going to my room if anyone needs me just knock

(Ashton) Yeah gets some rest

(Scott) I'll watch over him

(Ashton) I'll go with you

(Michael) Ok everyone we need a plan

(Trevon) Their is 3 killers out their Jeff The Killer, Slender man and Leatherface All we need to do is get that piece of slender man then we can kill the other two

(Tori) Yeah but the thing is how are we going to able to get to him we still have to get threw Jeff And ig chainsaw Massacre comes to then were going to be in some serious trouble

(Kayla) But if its Jeff And Slender man then get them separated someone can fight Jeff And someone can distract slender man then another person can cut a piece of slender man body and make a run for it we all mean back here we come in and run out the back door get in the car and drive off somewhere away from here going to the police

(Trevon) Thats a good plan but I just thought about something how about we try calling someone on the radio its old but it might work

(Kayla) Yeah lets try and see if it works

(N) So They walk to the back door and go to the car turning the car on seeing if the radio works

(Trevon) Hello Hello is anyone their we need help Hello

(Tori) I don't think it works

(???) Yes Hello who is this

(Trevon) Oh my God Thank you please we need you're help were somewhere in the woods were in a Cabin with a red roof top our friends were killed and our teacher was killed with our bus driver please you have to help up

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