Are We Really Going To Die

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(Jameel) No this isn't real it can't be

(Kayla) what the hell is this

(N) In tears Kayla fell to her knees her and Jameel both were on their knees as they were looking at the body's in front of them

(Jameel) Ms.Snow Mr James, the police officers Oh no no no please don't be

(Kayla) Jameel don't look

(Jameel) Ashton please open your eyes

(Ashton) Hey cuz you finally made it

(Jameel) I'm sorry I didn't make it in time

(Ashton) Don't worry it's ok just promise me something please

(Jameel) Yes

(Ashton) Kill that basterd please

(Jameel) I promise

(Ashton) Here take this Michael was able to get a piece of slenderman skin you have to eat it and swallow it his blood will mix with yours

(Jameel) Thank you can you stand up

(Ashton) I can't

(Jameel) why not

(N) Ashton move Scott jacket off her and Kayla cover her face Ashton stomach was cut open she had the jacket wrap around her so her intestines won't come out but now their slowly coming up

(Ashton) Take this pistol I took it off the police officer looks like this is good bye I love you big cuz see you in the next life

(Jameel) Good bye Ashton I love you to

(Kayla) Jameel let's keep going

(Jameel) Yeah your right this all ends tonight I'm going to make him pay he took someone very special away from me

(N) As Jameel close Ashton eyes he got up and started walking down the cave with Kayla going deeper and deeper in the cave till Kayla trips over something

(Kayla) What the hell

(N) it was Scott's head with only half if his face the rest was just bone Kayla screams as she trys to crawl away she bumps into something when she looks up she sees something black with white pale skin it was slenderman his mouth open showing all his razer sharp fangs and long tounge as Kayla screams for help Jameel drop kicks slenderman in the face picking up Kayla and runs out the cave

(Kayla) Where are we going

(Jameel) Were going to the cabin most likely Tori is still their

(N) Tori and Jeff was still fighting they were both very bloody their bodies were cut up and beat as they were breathing hard

(Jeff) Damn why won't you just die already your friends are probably already dead so how about you just let me kill you so you can join them in the afterlife

(Tori) You love to hear your self talk don't you. I won't tell you again im will not die I made a promise and im keeping it

(Jeff) Fine then let's finish this already im tired of looking at your ugly face

(Tori) Die you sick freak

(N) Tori and Jeff charge at each other while yelling with their blades in their hands piercing each other in the chest

(Jeff) Damn looks like I lost

(Falls down)

(N) Jeff falls to the ground in a pool of his blood with a smile on his face, Tori looks down at Jeff then pulls the Blade out his chest coughing out blood falling to his knees then face first to the ground

(Tori) Sorry guys I couldn't keep my promise well I guess I'll see yall on the other side peace

(Jameel) Were almost their hold on Tori you idiot you better not be dead you still owe me a rematch

(Kayla) Jameel I can see the Cabin and I see two body's laying in blood

(Jameel) Shit Tori please don't be dead

(N) When Jameel and Kayla got the Cabin and they saw the bodies Kayla hug on Jameel trying not to look Jameel picks up Kayla and carries her to the porch sitting here on the chair. He walks to Jeff dead body stomping on his body then stomping on his head Jameel picks up a rock and smashes it on Jeffs head crushing it. He walks to Tori body picking him up and lay him in the Cabin on the coach

(Jameel) Kayla here

(Kayla) Keys

(Jameel) These are the cops keys to his car take it and drive it out if here don't look back just keep driving and live your life

(Kayla) What are you talking about Jameel I'm not leaving you

(Jameel) look if you leave slenderman won't get you cause he's going to be to busy fighting me I'm going swallow this piece of slenderman flesh and hopefully something food happens if not everyone lives would be in vein so please Kayla just go

(Kayla) Ok I love you Jameel (Kiss)

(Jameel) I love you to now go

(N) The Lights in the Cabin started going out

(Jameel) He's here Go!

(N) Kayla ran out the Cabin getting in the car cranking it up reverse it then went forward and drove off

(Jameel) Goodbye Kayla thanks for everything

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