Pure White & Confused Pink

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'Please please please. Let it be me. Please call my name...

I need to hear my name.'


'Call my name please. Call my name'



" ... Urban Works' Kim Minju! Congratulations!"

A smile creeped across her face. She can't help it. It still feels so good to hear her name loudly being called for the final line up. She placed at 11th, and she doesn't care about the fact that it's the second to the lowest rank.

She debuted. That what matters most for her.

She drag her eyes towards the window. The images outside blurs as their bus motions fastly.
Everything happened fast for her. Being a trainee for just a year surely would get questioned for debuting too early. There were other more experienced participants in the show than her but instead she got the price they offer. She thought she's lucky, but she knows too that she did her best. She even cried due to pressure and felt discouraged. She was critiqued badly by the trainers and critized by other trainees too. She pretend not to hear those things the other participants said. Especially the line, 'She's just pretty'. The first time she heard it,  it wrecked her heart. The small amount of confidence she just gained by her family's warm encouraging words, disappeared quickly. The hope she had that time was shattered and scattered into pieces. 

Of course, every other other trainee who join the survival show wants to get the price, to debut, to be in a girl group, to be called an idol, to gain an image and people supporting you with whatever you would do. For thousands of trainees who auditioned for the show she got in and even placed a rank at the end, resulting for her to be in the project group.

It's her dream. Be an idol and to perform in a stage. She already have her dream. What could go wrong with that?

She leaned back to her seat then her eyes move up to meet the sky, blue painted in gray. It shows relativity to her.

She let out a sigh and slowly close her eyes, decided to just took a nap for the long ride.


At the back row of the bus sat four other girls. Jo Yuri and Yabuki Nako who were minding their own business, Miyawaki Sakura, who's eyes are open yet she's sleeping. Lastly, Lee Chaeyeon who's not so creepily staring at the fish-like sleeping Japanese beside her, head leaning against the glass window.

Chaeyeon found the view cute nonetheless. She wont deny it herself, that she feels so light being near the presence of the girl or her mind would squeal everytime she would hear the girl say her name. She really just find Sakura's whole existence cute and lovely that she can't help herself to feel happy and contented knowing that she will spend the next  two and a half years of her life with her and IN THE SAME ROOF.

Feeling weird with what she's doing, she took her eyes off the girl and decided to just play with her phone. The group was currently heading towards their dorm after a good amount of schedule for the day. The day was unusually not stressing as it seemed to be and Chaeyeon was so thankful that she could catch the sleep she and the group had been chasing for the past few weeks as they just debuted.

But it looked like there something else that she should be thankful of.

"Are we there yet?"

A groggy voice asked beside her. Chaeyeon's stupid heart immediately picked up a pace just by hearing the older's voice.

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