chapter 4

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♪•Bᴏɴ Iᴠᴇʀ

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♪•Bᴏɴ Iᴠᴇʀ. Sᴛ Vɪɴᴄᴇɴᴛ - (ʀᴏsʏʟɴ sʟᴏᴡᴇᴅ)

"Ok then we'll be there soon" with that I disconnected the call my gaze landed again towards the window the veiw is the best thing of our room it is difficult for me to look anywhere elese whenever I enter the hall

"Who is it?" Jimin asked making ourselves drinks, I reply him without taking my eyes away from the window "it's one of our worker, he's saying they got the new deal with some jeong's he want us to look after it"

Hmm" he hummed in response and I can hear him now walking towards the couch he handed me one glass and take a seat right infront of me

"So when we were leaving" he asked as I take time to think bringing the wine glass towards my lips to let the sour sensation took over me when I take a sip a sigh of satisfaction leaves my mouth, when I nod my head

"Book the tickets were heading back to Seoul tonight" with that I spread my legs and make myself comfortable on the couch minutes pass everything got silent until we snap our head towards my room when we heard the door being open only to saw the same slut of last night coming out in only a bed sheet wrapping around her naked body

I rolled my eyes when she smiles at me and looked away jimin stare at me with raised eyebrows "what" I asked turning back to stare at the veiw outside our room

I can hear her stepping towards us and soon I felt her sitting right beside me her hand came to my face as she makes me look at her with her fingers grabbing my chin she brings me closer to her "taehyung you didn't even give me the morning kiss" she pouted even the quteness she was trying to put on her face was disgusting

My eyes meet jimin he raised his eyes brow again and smirk he knows me very well though, he knows what I'm going to do now, he knows right after one night these sluts means nothing to me

I leaned closer towards her face my eyes turns darker my hand wanders to her chin with my index finger I pull her face even closer my one hand was still grabbing the glass of wine

She gulped and smirk, I make my lips brush on hers when her breathing quickens and I whisper near her lips "get out now" my voice came deep I can see her face full of confusion when she furrowed her eyebrows she pulled back and ask "what?"

"You heard me get out" my eyes turns darker, she gulped and looked at jimin then glanced back at me again "but how can I---" before she complete I cut her "fucking get out don't you heard huh" yelling at her I clenched my jaw she was shocked, I can see her body shivering

She quickly run back to my room I scan her every movement turning back to jimin who is trying to control his laugh pressing his lips together "yaahh stop doing that" and now I can hear him chuckling behind his palm which is now being placed on his mouth

Soon I saw her coming back with her dress on I didn't even glance at her but I see her from the corner of my eyes grabbing her belongings and running towards the door I take another sip of my drink when I heard the door being shut by her

"Ahh finally" jimin exclaimed like he won the war "why are you" he get what I want to ask "oh she she's just so cheesy you know I don't like her specially the way she was screaming last night is disgusting" I nod in agreement "hmm that is making me even more angry that she almost died last night"

A groan left my lips in frustration "why I fucking get these types of whore why not those sweet qute hot sexy typ of girls huhh I don't think now that typ of girls do even exist" I signed rubbing my temple with my plam my head is paining hard right now

"They do exist maybe" jimin added, getting up from the couch I put the glass on the table and grab my shirt, putting it on my shoulder I make my way to my room "where are you going" I heard him from behind "shower" he hummed "hmm I think you need that" I can hear him chuckling which makes me roll my eyes

Time skip
"It's been a while since we haven't head to our favourite club" peeking our grom the window jimin coded as I changed the gear we were heading to airport on our way back to Seoul "yes beacuse we've been here since one month" saying that I push the breaks when the traffic light shows red colour "yes but still as we head back I will go there first" he said tapping his fingers on the window "you will not" he snap his head towards me

Staring me in full of confusion "and why is that" he asks my head move towards him meeting his dark gaze "because you will be so tired of long trip that the first thing you are gonna do is to take a long nap" "oww yeah yeah I I forget that" he said making me chuckle

"Namjoon hyung calls me" I furrowed at his statement in surprise "what" he gesture me too to look front and mouthed "it's green now" he says waking me up from my senses

It's been years since we haven't heard anything about namjoon it's been a really long time not even a single glance or phone call we thought we almost lost him "he said hes coming back to Seoul and with his fiancee" he says I glance towards him he seems mad ofcourse he is and he should be cuz I'm mad too

"That's all" I asked a sign leaves my mouth when he nodded "he's getting married have a girlfriend I think from years and he didn't even inform us what the actual fuck is he thinks he is doing" my body heats up as I band on the staring wheel and it's beacuse of some many reasons if we met in person I don't think I would be able to hold myself back I will defenetly kill him

All this time we think that we lost him but here he is now happily calling after one year telling that it's he's going to get married and like we don't even matter for him anymore

"We need to have a good talk with him I'm sure he has alot to explain" I nod in agreement

"We need to have a good talk with him I'm sure he has alot to explain" I nod in agreement

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