chapter 5

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♪•Bᴏɴ Iᴠᴇʀ

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♪•Bᴏɴ Iᴠᴇʀ. Sᴛ Vɪɴᴄᴇɴᴛ - (ʀᴏsʏʟɴ sʟᴏᴡᴇᴅ)

The guard opens the door for me revealing the huge building infront of me it's our mansion where we live together, with we I mean jimin and me namjoon hung also use to live here once a time before he gets disappeared out of no where

I step out and gesture the gaurds to take our belongings out from the trunk as I made my way inside the door open automatically and we step further

The whole mansion was booked except the lasts floor of it where we live silently no people around nobody is allowed to enter that floor till they got our permission this is not our real home, but it is now just because of bussines issues

"Huhhh finally back to Seoul" jimin huffed throwing himself on the leather couch while I made my way to the bar grabbing a champagne bottle pop opening it I drink it whole to myself not caring that jimin is glaring at me for not sharing it to him

"If you want then take it yourself" he groan in frustration, and rolling his eyes which makes me smirk to myself my I leaned my back on the counter taking another sip from the bottle "we have to take care of somethings for the club we own" there are somethings which we have to change the club needs an upgrade and our VIP room too I'm fed up those dark lighting it needs to get changed

"Hmm and what do you think we can probably do" Jimin asked which makes me turn back to him my one hand slides inside my pocket while the other one holds the bottle as I think what probably we can do "let's first talk about our VIP room where we spend our most of the time" he nodds in agreement and get up from the couch walking towards me "the spacing"

He said, I stare at him "it's so fucking suffocating" he added and this makes me nodd "I know we need to clean up somethings in it some useless things are there, which really makes me throw them out sometime" "yess" he added giving a bright smile

His bright smile he always place it on his face when he wants w favor or had a very stupid idea cooking inside his head I furrowed at his smile and huffed afterward "what" I asked resizing my one eye brow "he step closer and take the bottle away from my hands which as I roll my eyes when I saw him drinking the champagne from the same bottle

"What about" he said the way he was taking time is pissing me off, I clenched my jaw to control myself soon I saw him leaning his back on the counter just like me and right beside me

This man is now getting into my nerves "what about some music yk not the one which they play on background but the one the live music someone who sing or play some instruments yk" he finally said it with a proud grin on his face

My anger rushed through my veins I looked down and take a deep breath my head hung low, squeezing my eyes as I rub my temple from my finger tips, he knows I don't like music not at all especially when it's someone who's playing infront of the, the other thing which makes me mad at it is whoever does it, it always sounds awful to me and I don't know why

"You know I don't like music right specially when some stupid sung live or play some instruments" with a calm voice I try to control myself on his stupid idead "yes I know but, why is that so difficult to you we can try once"

I huffed I know he's not going to stop asking me for it till I agree he's stubborn and always win in these types of arguments "okay let's try once taehyung if you don't like we'll remove this idead away, what's wrong in trying other VIPs will also like this I hope" I snap my head towards him when he added other VIPs

"Okay okay I know there liking doesn't matter till you like something but still we can try what if they do like you know we can, look it's not big deal in trying once and also when we enter the others leave so it's better that we get time to decide and if you want then I can tell the girls also to leave"

I think of it for a good minutes well I can try it and I know I'm not gonna like it but i also known he will not stop until I say yes so I have to listen some stupid instruments for one day, I hope one day

Huffing I reply him "ok" he banged on the counter makin me looked at him "yess" he whispered to himself which makes me Chuckle "but if I don't like it" he cuts me "then we'll remove it right after one day trial" h says all confirm on his words "okay then" he put the bottle on the counter and streach his hand towards me with his one hand inside his pocket just like me

"Okay then deal" I stare at his for some good seaconds while be just smirks did he had something eles planned in his head this man is really out of my imagination I take his hand and he shake it "deal" I whisper to him and he grab the bottle angain walking towards the couch "I'm calling our manager hell found someone till tomorrow" he says

And I nod at him he talks to him and told him the changes we want in the bar jimin and I work together we take decision together but I confirm them and he make them happens "what" I furrowed when I heard him he seems surprised "okay then call her back tomorrow again"

I furrowed trying to get what he's talking about he said she are they talking about of some other new clind I saw him disconnecting the call "what he says" I ask him while I step out of the tiny bar and walk towards the couch where I throw my coat grabbing it and then ready to go to my room

"He said it'll take time in arranging the new lighting and the spacing thing we want and then he says we have to see some things out from the VIP room" "hmm and" I hummed in response "and those expenses things he ask do we want to change them or clean them up yk we need some space theres and I think throwing some show pieces out would help us" "yeah asked him to throw them out and put some extra spacing there" he nodds "okay got it and yeah one more thing

He says stopping me on my tracks when I was about to enter my room "when i ask him about the live singing and music thing he says a girl came week a go to our club for work she says she can play a violen and ask for a job but they said no because we aren't there so I ask them to bring her back we can check her out" I nodd and about to take a step when he speaks again

"Ahh yeah her name is yn"

"Ahh yeah her name is yn"

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