𝟕. 𝐃𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐚𝐥

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"Light. Why did you drag me over to register for that exam?"

The hallways were empty in the late afternoon and gilded with setting sunlight. The sunset was rosy and dusty and amber, and it would've been beautiful if you weren't stressed out of your mind.

"You came of your own will," he replied, not even looking at you. You passed a window, and a shadow crossed over his face.

You paused. It was true that he hadn't dragged you there kicking and screaming. He hadn't even laid a hand on you, but you had gone with him anyway. "But why bother making me register to test for To-Oh if you think I have no potential?"

"I never said that."

Your twin footsteps echoed hollowly past the lockers and classrooms, down the halls. You quelled the beating in your heart, taking a deep breath.

"We really need to talk about what you said in the café."

This was it–frankly, you were afraid to bring it up, because you really didn't want a repeat. But try as you did, you couldn't make yourself pretend it hadn't happened the way Light seemed to want you to.

"Why? There's no undoing the past." He was still staring out the windows as you two walked by.

Was he serious right now? "Light, why do you think I didn't go to cram school? It put me in a week-long depressive episode." Your heart squeezed painfully–to think this was the boy you'd followed like a lovesick puppy just a week before.

"Sorry that happened to you," he said dismissively.

Your temper flared, and you struggled to keep your voice level. "Light, please take some responsibility." Did he really not care? How could anyone cut someone else so deeply and forget all about it?

His eyes flicked to you. "You wanted an apology, right?"

Was he doing this on purpose, or did he really not get it? You sucked in a breath, trying to marshall your thoughts and gain some semblance of composure. You racked your mind for the words that would make him listen.

"Yes, but not like that–sorry that happened to you made it sound like you had nothing to do with it. A real apology... is when you recognize that you made a mistake, understand why it hurt the other person, fix what you can, and intend to do better in the future."

"Hm." You and Light walked in pensive silence after that. The sky had gotten dark, and you could feel the chill just looking out the window.

You tried again: "If you disagreed, you could've just said so and why. The way you talked to me then... was cruel and unnecessary. It wasn't the right way to talk to someone."

"You think I don't know that?" He snapped.

"It gave me the impression that you didn't care about my feelings at all."

He stopped short. "I never said that either," he replied, and walked off.

The sun set, leaving you in the dark.


A/N: light yagami is good at everyone's feelings except his own pog

𝐄𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫: 𝐘𝐨𝐮 | 𝐋𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐘𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐢 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now