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Heathers POV

First day out of that dusty school, and the start of a new chapter in my life. I woke up happily and did my normal routine. I went downstairs to where Dakota and her parents were. "Goodmorning mister and misses Milton" I said nicely. "Goodmorning, heather. How was your sleep." "Great! Thanks for letting me stay here again." "Its our pleasure." They responded. After we all ate I left to go to a clothing store nearby to get a cute swimsuit. Since it's the summer Geoff throws some kind of party like EVERY day. His parents are loaded so it's not like they care. Once I brought my swimsuit I headed over to the beach.

 Once I brought my swimsuit I headed over to the beach

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Once I got the beach I was greeted by everyone. "Okay, SO ARE YOU GUYS READY TO PARTY ALL SUMMER LONG!?" Geoff yelled throwing his hands in the air, making us all yell "YEA!!" Back. "Great! Because we're going on a road trip around the world!"

(Sounds familiar? 🤨)

We all hung at the beach  before sitting at a campfire. "Okay dudes a dudettes. So, 7 am in the morning, we're gonna meet up at dunkies. (Dunkin Donuts)." Geoff said as we nodded "so pack your bags tonight and SET. A. TIMER." He said facing Duncan, he rolled his eyes. Once we all left Courtney and Bridgette came over to pack swimsuits, and maybe exchange clothes.

"Omg Courtney, let me borrow this top. It's sooo cute!" Bridgette said picking up a red crop top with white polka dots on it. "Sure." I spotted a Saige green hoodie and picked it up. "I'm taking this, I don't care who's it is." I smirked putting it in one of my bags, they both just playfully rolled there eyes. "Should I put this swimsuit in my bathing suit bag?" Courtney asked, she was holding a nice tan colored two piece. "Courtney, please don't fucking tell me you got a bag for every kind of clothing. Including a makeup bag...?" "Oh you know me so well." She smiled "your so organized, I don't know how you do it!" Bridgette said giggling "but yea, totally put it in your bag before heather takes it." "I HEARD THAT!" I yelled at Bridgette as she was whispering to Courtney, we all started laughing. "Oh, I forgot to ask. Do you guys mind if Dakota comes along? I already asked Geoff and he's A Okay about it." "Sure, but why all the sudden are you besties with Dakota? Heck, your loving with her!" Courtney asked, I looked down. I guess I was gonna have to tell them someday. I sighed. "Well, me and my parents got in a argument like no other. They wouldn't list me go to homecoming, and I didn't allow that. So, they kicked me out." My voice went shaky as I tried not to make eye contact with them, while holding back my tears. "Oh my heather." "I'm so sorry that happened." They said hugging me. "I-it's fine.." I said wiping any tears that tried to fall of my face. A little bit later we ended up having a sleepover and fell asleep.


I woke up, Courtney was already awake, like always. "Morning heath! I already make breakfast, all you have to do is get ready." Courtney said smiling. "Thanks." I yawned and picked up my towel. After I did my daily routine, brush teeth, brush hair, do makeup. It was 94° today so I decided to wear a tucked in shorts with some shorts, slipped on some adidas, and put on some stylish sunglasses. Then I put my hair in a ponytail.

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